Chapter 17 Part 1: Return of the TVA

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S.H.I.E.L.D. HEADQUARTERS - Same day, immediately after the capture

Tony looked up from the computer as Loki returned to the office where the team originally arrived, Tom also glancing over from where his projection stood at Tony's side. Tony grinned widely. "We did it. Who am I kidding? You two did it, getting to the bottom of this mystery in spite of your filming schedule and all of the crazy things happening around you."

"We couldn't have done it without your help," Tom told him, "or the help of the other Avengers."

Loki talked over to Tom. "Switch with me. I can tell you're at your limit."

Tom's projection disappeared to be replaced with one of Loki while Loki's body walked over to a nearby chair with Tom in control. Tom sank down into the chair with a weary sigh. "It is an immense relief to know we're no longer in danger."

"Not any more than anyone else." Retrieving Tom's smartphone from his pocket universe, Loki placed it in directly Tom's hand. "Tell the others. I'm sure they're eager to get the news."

A knock at the door interrupted further discussion, and Tom glanced at Tony. "Hang tight, I gotcha covered." Tony reviewed the screen for the camera in the hallway. "It's our friend Mobius."

"Mobius?" Loki frowned. "Why is he here? I'm not finished with the mission as long as Tom remains in my mind."

"Let's see what he has to say," Tom began as he stood and walked to the door. He opened the door to permit the TVA analyst entrance to the room.

Mobius joined them inside. "Congratulations on capturing Toshar. His continued attempts to steal the Tesseract and the weapons technology it can power would have destabilized this timeline and universe if you hadn't stopped his plans."

"Cut to the chase, Mobius," Tony said flatly.

"Pull your claws in, Stark. I'm not taking him anywhere." Mobius turned to Loki's projection. "I came to give you some good news."

Loki took the initiative in the conversation. "You want to reward me for a job well done by sparing my life? Very well, I accept."

An amused expression flickered across Mobius's face. "I come from Asgard with a message from your brother."

"Is he still upset that I turned him into a frog?" Loki winced.

The amused expression on Mobius's face turned into a full laugh. "He was at first, but that's not the message." Mobius began a slow pace in the room as all three of the others listened with interest. "Odin made him king after you left. While Thor rules on the throne, your father remains in Odinsleep to see how long they can stave off the return of your older sister."

Loki's eyes bulged at the news. "I have an older sister? First I find out that I'm an adopted Frost Giant, and now I learn that I have an older sister. To make matters worse, I have to learn these things from others." He crossed his arms in front of him. "What else has Odin been hiding?"

"Quite a lot, as Thor is discovering the hard way," Mobius continued. "Your sister Hela is older than Thor, so the throne would actually be hers. But she is a bloodthirsty terror that no one wants to see on the throne of Asgard. If she took the throne, it would be only a matter of time before she tried to conquer other realms. Thor invited you to return home once you're done with your mission here. He knows he'll only defeat her with your help.

"He wants my help to defeat our sister?" Loki questioned.

Mobius corrected him quickly. "He needs your help to defeat her, among other things. Ruling Asgard isn't everything Thor thought it would be. He offered to give you a high-ranking position as a key advisor if you go back. He misses your practical mind."

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