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The current tale takes place in a  universe parallel to our own and the sacred timeline. It is a universe where people from our universe co-exist alongside people from the MCU universe. All of the familiar characters are there, but the timeline alters drastically at the change of key events. I don't own these characters or have any license/copyright on them. Hence why I'm posting this story for free. You're welcome.

I mean no insult or ill to the real people who appear in this parallel universe work. If anything will I try to err on the side of honor with the real people in my work, but otherwise do my best to remain true to who they are. I have not met any of them (including Tom) and they have no inkling I exist. 

I definitely wish Tom no insult or ill by writing this unconventional concept piece, only respect. I offer him my apologies in advance for any discomfort originating from what might be the weirdest fan fiction on the planet. (Let me know if you want it to go away, sir. You'll find me cooperative.) Writing this was about the unique challenge for me... those challenges included, can I write metafiction, and can I write a spy thriller. That, and a story that continued to pester my warped little mind until I wrote it.

I have not watched any of Tom's long-form work all the way through. I have seen a handful of interviews, the Cebees children's story, and the Cookie Monster short. I watched only enough YouTube to review the sequence and dialog of specific MCU scenes. Though once I'm done posting here, there's a copy of The Hollow Crown with my name on it.

I've seen very few MCU projects all the way through. When I started this fiction I'd only seen Doctor Strange thanks to my longtime interest in Sherlock Holmes tales. I had a bet with myself how well he'd adhere to an American accent.

The filming sequence is guaranteed to be out of order as I could not find a schedule anywhere. I also know from watching behind-the-scenes clips they're also filmed more piecemeal than they come together in the end. So I arranged and wrote everything to suit the story. We'll call it a strong dose of poetic license.

The internal dialogue between Loki and Tom was written script style. On here I also put it into italics with additional carriage returns as it was harder to read with internet formatting versus standard document formatting. Believe me, it is far more readable on Google Docs.

This is the kind of work you don't start to post unless you finish it first. The storyline is complete on my computer, so all I have to do is keep posting it. Trust your author to have a plot and a plan, which includes not abandoning you partway through. Again, you're welcome.

I've actually been trying not to write any more fan fiction, but the ideas that kept popping into my head were JUST. THAT. GOOD. They were 'not gonna pass up the chance to write them' level of good. I had an absolute blast writing this, but I'm using an alias as I wish to remain anonymous for multiple reasons.

I don't write swear words or smut, even if some of these characters would normally indulge. We all know from the movies these characters are capable of many colorful metaphors, but I refuse to use them. I want my work to be enjoyed by all ages and sensibilities.

RATING: the spy thriller genre has things not meant for really young kids. I rate this PG-13 for some violence & blood that goes with the genre (tried to keep it mild), and the fact that I bump off several characters. In my defense, I admit to reading nearly all of Dame Christie's work in my younger years.

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