Chapter 15 Part 1: Lessons in Teamwork

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"I think he's coming around."

Loki groaned at the pounding sensation in his head as he slowly regained consciousness.

TOM: Did anyone get the plate on that lorry?

LOKI: I'll ask. Meanwhile, you need to rest after all that just happened.

TOM: I will if only because I have no energy for a projection right now.

Remembering everything in his exchange with Tom, Loki opened his eyes to unfamiliar well-furnished surroundings. Chris Hemsworth and Jeremy sat nearby keeping watch, while Tony stood at his workstation across the room maneuvering through data with the holographic user interface. Loki pushed himself into a seated position. "Stark, this world is in grave danger. We need to message the other Avengers at once."

"They're on their way," Tony confirmed, walking over. "Glad to see you weren't too badly knocked around earlier. How's the other guy?"

"What is a lorry?" Loki puzzled aloud as he ran a hand over his face. "He asked if anyone got the plate attached to it."

Instantly the three other men relaxed, chuckling at the question Loki posed. "He's going to be fine," Tony smirked.

"Though if he ever pulls what he did at the portal again," Jeremy grumbled, "we're both going to jump him and kick his sorry - "

"Language..." a voice warned from a spot close to the door.

Chris Hemsworth looked over at the hauntingly familiar blond man entering the room. "That's not what Chris had on earlier. Are you...?"

"Steve Rogers," Steve introduced, offering a handshake to Chris and Jeremy in turn. "You must be some of the actors Tony volunteered to give asylum in the tower."

"Asylum?" Jeremy repeated in disbelief.

"Someone just tried to kill all of you," Steve confirmed. "You should be safe here until the rest of us find him and bring him down."

"The other three are in the elevator now. We'll get started once we're all here," Tony stated. He nodded at Chris and Jeremy. "You two, it's been a long day for everyone. Go join the others and get a good night's sleep."

"We might as well," Chris replied. "We weren't leaving his side until we had news to give the others, and they weren't going to bed until they heard it."

"That's what I mean," Tony answered, waving at the two actors as they walked towards the elevator to wait their turn.

The elevator chimed to signal the car arrived at the top, and the door opened for Bruce, Natasha, and Clint to exit. As Clint walked out of the elevator, Jeremy stared in wide-eyed wonder. "Now I know how Tom felt all these months. It's like looking in a mirror, only the person in the reflection isn't me."

"I'm sure it's more confusing for Tom and Loki," Bruce suggested, "since the two of them are cohabitating a body."

"And on that note," Jeremy shuddered, a gesture simultaneously mirrored by Clint, "we're headed on down. All of you, good luck."

"Stay safe if you can," Chris advised as the two of them entered the elevator. He pushed the button for their floor, and the doors closed behind them.

"Thanks for coming, everyone," Tony began as all of the Avengers plus Loki gathered for the briefing. "All of you know about the explosion over New York City. It was a targeted assassination attempt aimed at killing Tom, Loki, myself, and the rest of their friends from the cast to prevent any knowledge of the truth from getting out. There was damage to the city, but it could have been far worse."

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