Chapter 6 Part 1: Questioning the Witnesses

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S.H.I.E.L.D. HEADQUARTERS - Shortly afterward

Loki and Tony walked through the temp pad portal into one of the conference rooms at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters to find Nick waiting for them along with five others. "Gentlemen, have a seat," he instructed them. "Tony, you're my witness over what happened today."

"Roger that."

"If you can call your witness," Loki cast a mischievous grin at Nick, "I'm calling mine."

Fury stared at Loki before relenting. "Fine, let him have his say."

Within a moment every person in the room knew who was controlling Loki's body. The assured expression on Loki's face turned pale and queasy. "I'm terribly sorry, everyone," Tom moaned as an astral projection of Loki appeared in the seat next to him. "I was alright while his constitution was in charge. I should only need a moment or two to get over the initial shock."

Tony studied the shaken man. "Are you going to be okay there, Edwina?"

"Who?" asked Loki.

Tom pointed to Loki. "We'll find out later on the internet."

"You have company," reassured one of the other men, a handsome muscular blond, "I don't know that reference either."

"Come on," Tony complained. "That's a classic movie." Tony's face reflected his concern for Tom. "No really, how are you doing?"

"It's one thing to look at stage blood on a fellow actor you know is pretending." Tom took a deep breath to steady himself. "It's another to see real blood and a real body. I never expected to find a murdered man today. I promise I'll be fine once the stomach settles."

Loki nodded. "Yes, I feel it churning as we speak. I thought this might be better since you're still working on increasing your stamina. Do you want us to switch again and you attempt the projection?" he offered.

With effort, Tom shook his head. "We'd better stay where we are. I might not have enough stamina to make one now."

"Then let's get started," Nick said, "while you still have some left. I invited the others to our meeting because the Tesseract is involved and possibly HYDRA along with it. Tony, we watched your video footage to catch us up to speed. Bruce Banner you remember. Loki Laufeyson, Tom Hiddleston..." Nick introduced the others in the room. "Doctor Selvig, who is working on the Tesseract research. Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, all either with S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers Initiative."

Steve Rogers, the blond man who didn't recognize the source of the latest nickname, waved a hand in greeting. "Gentlemen."

Tom nodded politely in return, but Loki gave Steve a genuine smile. "Gentlemen? I like anyone who hasn't already made up his mind about me."

"It's pretty simple," Steve answered. "You're innocent until proven guilty."

"And I have no shortage of footage from today," Tony added, "that proves him innocent of the kid's murder."

"Are you sure," Nick quizzed, "or did he pull another vanishing act?"

Tony shook his head. "Not today. After lunch, he ducked underneath an empty stairwell and came out looking like our fake S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. He took Jordan from the props department to a conference room, but he stayed in the conference room to interview Jordan and two more props people after him. Each person he interviewed sent the next one to talk with him." Tony nodded toward Loki. "The kid was already dead when Loki finally left the room to chase the nanobot monitoring him down the hall."

Tom snickered at the memory, and Loki skewered him with a glare. "You're not going to let me live that down, are you?"

"Absolutely not," Tom replied.

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