Chapter 7 Part 2: The Tiny Warrior

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The alarm clock blared its daily wake-up call, disturbing Loki's rest. He gave it a death glare before he smacked it into obedient silence. Loki pushed himself out of bed, sitting up with a reluctant groan. At least their dreams were improving.

For several minutes Loki blinked the sleep out of his eyes, finally propelling himself to his feet and walking toward the bathroom. His clothing disappeared into the hamper as he turned on the shower and climbed in.

LOKI: Today's scene is with Stark at Stark Tower, correct?

TOM: That scene is tomorrow. But it will be our first solo scene with Robert.

LOKI: Fine, with Robert.

TOM: They are two different people, you know. It isn't like they have our situation.

LOKI: When Stark called you Edwina, I had no idea what he was talking about.

TOM: I had to look it up too. I wonder if Rogers looked it up yet or if we'll need to tell him the next time we talk with him.

LOKI: Or he can add it to his list. I swear that if it weren't for your memories and the internet I'd never keep up with Stark's wisecracks and references.

TOM: He is definitely a fan of them. Speaking of pop culture references, the reason we are suiting up today is for the visit with the Make a Wish family.

Loki paused in his soap-down to recall details of the visit. It was not something Loki deemed worthy of remembering, but it was clearly important to Tom judging by the excitement in his voice. After several minutes of trying and drawing a blank, he gave up and asked.

LOKI: The what?

TOM: I had a feeling you weren't paying attention that day. Make a Wish is a charity organization that gives children with critical illnesses the chance to experience a special memory, like a trip or a visit with a celebrity, or to receive some item it would be difficult for them to afford with their treatment. Andrew wanted to meet Iron Man and Loki, so today was the best opportunity for him to catch us both. The director agreed to alter the schedule for Andrew's visit.

LOKI: There's going to be a tiny human on the set?

TOM: A tiny human, yes.

LOKI: You should be in charge when we deal with the tiny human. They are not my specialty.

TOM: I would be happy to. I like children.

LOKI: You can have them.

TOM: I hope to, someday.

LOKI: With that kind of enthusiasm, you can take over now.

The two of them completed their usual morning routine to prepare for the day. Tom arrived on the blue screen set in full costume as Robert pushed a frail boy around in a chrome red wheelchair, showing him and his parents all of the furniture and props as the final part of the grand tour. "And there's our bad guy for this movie," Robert pointed out Tom to Andrew with a nod of his head. "Reindeer Games, better known as Loki."

"I am Loki," Tom dropped to one knee beside the chair so he and Andrew could see each other better, "of Asgard. And I am filled with the glorious purpose of welcoming you to our set for Stark Tower."

"But you have to use your imagination to see the rest of it that gets added later," Robert commented, pointing out where the landmarks of the New York City skyline would appear around them.

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