Chapter 7 Part 1: Brother From Another Mother

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The rest of the shooting days on the New Mexico site representing the underground research facility progressed without further incident. The formal investigation by S.H.I.E.L.D. proved Jordan innocent of any wrongdoing and confirmed Loki on the mark about how he was murdered. He couldn't decide whether to be gratified or concerned with the news.

Unfortunately, video footage never revealed anyone out of place in the area, and the agents found no evidence of tampering. The report indicated the extra charging dock was returned to the shelf that day during routine props maintenance, but no one knew how it or the spare Tesseract prop ended up on the cart. The film schedule prevented Loki from interviewing the rest of the props crew to find out. S.H.I.E.L.D. did not follow through with them either, something Loki ruefully considered a lost opportunity.

Loki continued to monitor his phone for updates of any kind on the Tesseract itself but received none, much to his disappointment. He reminded himself that he couldn't expect overnight progress from the Midgardians.

Within the week the small unit wrapped up at the New Mexico location and went to join the rest of the main group at a different site in Cleveland for the film sequences taking place in New York. Loki barely settled onto the couch in his new trailer when a knock at the door told him that they had a guest. "Tom? Are you here yet?"

TOM: That's Chris, my brother from another mother.

LOKI: The one who plays my brother Thor. He certainly sounds like him.

TOM: Going by your memories, they look similar as well. Could we talk with him? I would like someone we both trust on our side.

LOKI: The choice is yours to make. As long as he is smarter and more discrete than Thor, I will trust your judgment. You know your friend better than I do. Would you like to greet him personally?

TOM: I thought you'd never ask.

Once in control of Loki's body, Tom walked to the door and opened it for the blond muscular man who was like a real-life brother to him. Chris extended his hand and the two men clasped in a handshake befitting brothers. "Tom, my friend. So good to see you."

"Great to see you as well. Why don't you come in where we can speak in private?"

Chris nodded without hesitation. "Of course." Once inside the two sat on opposite ends of the couch. "How did the rest of the shooting go after your misadventures?"

Tom chuckled, debating how to answer the question.

LOKI: Are you certain you want to tell him?

TOM: I have full confidence in him. No one else yet.

Tom took a deep breath, exhaling as deliberately as he prepared to tell his co-star the truth. "What have you heard about my misadventures?"

"Rumors only, but I'm not putting any stock in them. Some say you overheated in the costume, others say the Tesseract went crazy in your hand. Jeremy and Samuel won't talk about it with anyone, which says a lot. The only two things everyone agrees on is that you were out cold and it was not Jordan's fault." Chris shrugged. "I figure if you want me to know the truth, you'll tell me yourself. Until then, it's not my business. I'm glad your injuries weren't more serious."

"I'm so thankful to have you as a friend," Tom grinned. "I wish the explanations were simple. Unfortunately little of it is easy to explain, and most of it is difficult to believe."

"Tell me only what you want me to know."

LOKI: Give me a moment in control, and I'll show him something to help him believe.

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