Chapter 20: Invisible in those Hallways

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Alejandro settled into the small mattress on the floor, pushing the colorful blankets aside as he inserted himself into the uncomfortable state.

"Are you sure you're okay sleeping on the floor?" Mira asked. For the 7th time. "I really wouldn't mind, plus I'm smaller and I know-"

"Corazon, please," Andro pleaded. "I'm okay, really. Plus," he smiled. "This floor is quite comfortable. You just want to steal it away. But that won't happen." Mira rolled her eyes as she smiled back. "Now, let's sleep, you don't want to meet your family when you're half asleep." Mira giggled and reached for the oil lamp at the bedside table, but recoiled her hand into a soft fist, bending her elbow towards herself.

"Oh, I know you're probably tired, but do you want me to whip something up in the kitchen for you?" She asked. "We skipped dinner and all we had today were fruits so if you want anything-"

"I'm fine, Mira," He said. "Now please get some rest. You're gonna need it for tomorrow," Mira whispered an "okay" with her smile plastered on her lips. She took off her golden glasses and set them next to the oil lamp, the light that bounced from the rims to the ceiling extinguishing along with the lamp's flame.

Andro turned towards his soon to be wife, smiling up at her as she slept on her back, hands folded on her stomach and eyes staring up. An oddity that he noted. When they were younger, he, Mira, and Mercedes would have sleepovers in their room, Mira was always a stomach sleeper. He could picture her now, lying on her chest as she snuggled the pillow beneath her, her cheeks squished against it. She was so different at that moment. So relaxed and at peace for the first time ever. The feeling in his chest warmed up and blossomed when he saw her like that that night, and it only grew ever since then.

"Amor?" Andro asked. Mira squeaked a soft "Mmhmm?" in response. "You're awake."

"Yep." Andro sat up and crossed his legs, the moon from the window tinting his dark skin with its soft light.

"What is it?" Mira pushed herself up with her elbow, the moonlight now giving her dark hair a honeyglow as it shielded her eyes from the soft light.

"I just..." she breathed in, as if she were about to spill her feelings to Andro, but only sighed. She breathed through her nose, loudly as if agitated, which she was, but only she knew that and barely. Mira kept her true feelings about this whole trip to herself. "I'm not sure I... I want to be here..."

"That's okay," Andro reassured. "I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but this entire situation has got to be weird for you. But..." he trailed off, struggling to find the words. "There's... you can't really go back now..."

"I know, I know, it's just-" She sat up, rubbing her hands from her elbows to her shoulders. She leaned against the wall and laid back. "I-I don't know where I am..." She began. "This isn't my Casita, Andro. Casita was- ugh, Casita was wonderful! It's pathetic but Casita was my best friend."

"It's not-"

"Hush now, don't lie." She took a moment and soaked in the familiar look around the small room. It was almost identical to the old nursery. Almost. The room was still a light shade of viridian green, pastel blue butterflies painted all over the walls, but the alphabet was missing. Luisa had replaced the bed too, adding Andro's little one as well. "Y'know, Casita was a surprisingly good listener. It somehow knew when I needed to talk, so it would make a cozy little balcony for me to pour my heart out. As I got older, Casita became my most trusted friend. If I'm honest, of all my family members, Casita was who I was closested with..." She paused for a moment and looked out the window, hoping to find a way to transform her feelings into words to tell her love.

"That house... I was invisible there. It was a comforting home but I was hurting. Everyone else had everything, not just their own gift or door, but their own time to shine but- but I didn't. I never needed a magical power, I just wanted to... to-" she sighed and rolled her eyes back to the room. "I don't know, to define myself in my own way, but I never got that." As she breathed out her last sentence, Andro slid into the bed beside her and wrapped his arms around her, his left arm perfectly cushioning her neck just below her curls. She leaned into him and tucked her forehead under his chin. They were a perfect match, a lock finding its key, never to let go of the other. The silence comforted them, blanketing them like a warm quilt. But, Andro slowly ripped it by the seams.

"I'm so sorry you had to feel that way." He said. "You are... you are the most kind person I ever met. I've seen you take off your parka and give it to someone else- I've watched you take one look at a homeless family and immediately rebuild our home! I don't know much of what you've done before that, but I know it was just as compassionate." Andro moved away and tilted her chin up so she would meet his slightly blurred face. "You didn't deserve that. And they never deserved you." Mira pressed her lips together and gave a singular, silent laugh, letting her head fall forward so her forehead gently met his lips.

"It wasn't all bad." She smiled as she broke away and pecked him on the cheek. "It led me to you." Andro's eyes went small as he smiled at her. Mira raised her hand to rest on his right cheek, her thumb fitting perfectly in his only dimple. The kiss was quick and chaste. Until it was followed by another. And another. And another. Laughing and pecking until they couldn't anymore, leading Andro to rest his forehead to his miracle and wish her a goodnight. 

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