Chapter 7: Camilo Madrigal

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The Madrigal grandchildren walked their ways through the split mountains. It had become an iconic sight, amazing to most people who set their eyes on it, but not for this family. The group stayed silent, remaining quiet enough to hear the smallest of sounds, from the steps below them to the chirping birds above them. Camilo and his wife, Carmen, led the group far ahead from Antonio and Luisa, who each guided a donkey through the forest with them. Dolores and Mariano followed close behind them, the husband worrying about their twins terrorizing his in-laws. Isabella quietly followed at a distance behind the rest of the group, staring at the greenery around her, something weighing heavily on her mind, something she preferred to keep quiet about.

Carmen turned to her husband, taking one of his hands in hers. "You should tell at least one of the girls," She whispered to him. "They need to know before we get there." Camilo winced. To his dismay, his wife was right.

    "Aye, I know mi vida," he replied. "But how could anyone possibly tell anyone something like that!" Carmen patted his hand, quieting him down.

    "I think..." she began to say. She looked back at the rest of the group, specifically Isabella. The eldest grandchild had been almost completely silent since they left the Casita, only mumbling when they had sat down for breakfast and lunch throughout the day. It is getting close to dinner time now, the town grows nearer and nearer.  "I think you just need to do it quickly. Just spit it out, what matters is that they hear what you need to say."

    "I know, I know, but what do I say?" Carmen stopped and thought for a moment.

    "Well, yo-"

    "Look!" Antonio interrupted. He pointed past the leading couple and walked towards them.  It was the town. The group took in their surroundings. They were in a clearing, along the path, at the top of a large hill. The two looked up and saw... the sunset. A charming vermillion sky above a little village. Music and cheers could be heard flooding out the windows of the houses, figures dancing happily in the streets, fireworks lighting up in the sky. It was a delightful sight, a perfect greeting for the restless familia. "Looks like a celebration..."

    "Do you know what they're so excited about, primo?" Luisa asked. Camilo looked to the ground and rubbed his neck. He had only met one person when he purchased the house, and even then the two barely spoke. He didn't know what occasion they could be celebrating.

    "Uh- no..." he answered.

    "Let's go down and meet some of the people!" Dolores suggested. "You said the man who sold you the house was nice, right?"

    "Well, yeah but-" Camilo answered.

    "Plus," Antonio cut in, "They're probably serving food there!" Antonio helped the donkey down the path, followed by Luisa, Dolores and Mariano, Isabella, until only Carmen and Camilo remained at the top of the hill.

    "Okay, at this point it doesn't matter how you say it." Carmen took his cheek in her kind hand. "You just need to tell them." Camilo looked down at his primas, both almost at the bottom of the hill with the group. He took a deep breath and kissed his beloved.

    "Okay," he said. "But promise you'll stay by my side."

    "Of course," Carmen started down the mountain, hurrying to catch up with her new familia.


    Luisa leaned against the wooden post of the well, handing her older sister two picarones wrapped in a napkin. "The folks in this town are really nice! " Isa mumbled a thanks and took a bite out of the morsel.

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