Chapter 9: The Reunion

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Isabela took a step forward. Mira stood frozen, not knowing what to do. She thought of running, far away, but the idea of leaving this wondrous life behind terrified her.

Mirabel stood still. Isabela however, took another step forward, wondering if that truly was her sister. Could it be a coincidence? Maybe this random girl just looked like a spinning image of Mirabel. But if she did, why was she staring back. The two stood in front of each other now. Mimicking statues as the world around them danced and sang and celebrated. But not them.

"Mirabel?" Isabela took another step toward her sister. "...Is... is that you?" Mira stood still, a shaky breath escaping between her lips. She had no idea what she could say, what she could even do.

"Hey!" A girl in a purple outfit appeared from thin air, giving Mirabel a warm hug. Her dark braids that were tied back into a ponytail bounced along with her head as it moved. She turned to Isabela, unaware of the tension between the two sisters. "Oh- Who's this Mira?" Mercedes asked.

"This is..." Mira stuttered for a bit. She shallowly breathed in and out, having to remind herself to do so. "This is..." Just tell her. Mira's mind told herself. This is my sister. Isabela. The girl who hated me and is here for some reason. The girl whose life I ruined along with the rest of my family and my home- My Encanto- because I destroyed our home. I ruined everything. They can't be here right now- I can't be here right now-

"Mira," A gentle hand on her shoulder interrupted her thoughts. Alejandro. "Is everything okay?" Mira looked up at him, not nodding her head nor murmuring a signal of her emotions, but her eyes told him everything. I need help here, mi amor. Alejandro turned to the girl in blue. "Who are you? What would you like with our Mira?" His tone changed. The just gentle voice had become stern, almost angry, and judgmental. Isabela's face had also changed. Once surprised and soft, but now matched Alejandro's, being stubborn and furious.

"I am her sister," Isabela placed her fists on her hips. "Who are you?" Alejandro crossed his arms.

"Oh, are you the strong one or the one who told her you hated her all the time-"

"Andro!" Mira stepped between the two, hoping to stop the confrontation. She turned to her fiance first. "This is my family." Family. She emphasized the word through her gritted teeth. It felt so strange to say out loud. "Please be kind to them." She then turned to Isabella. "Isabella, how many of you are here?" Isabella was shocked. She said my name. She knows me. This is real. This is Mirabel.

"Ah- um- All the grandkids, plus Mariano and Camilo's wife." Mira showed her shock for just a second. Camilo was married? She thought for a moment and counted on her fingers.

"So that'd be 7 people..." She looked around for "Esther!" Mira walked towards a woman in a soft orange dress and a pink headwrap. "Could you or Esteban please have two rooms prepared- a 2 bed and a 3 bed please." The inn keeper's wife nodded with a sweet smile.

"Of course, Mira." The young girl walked to her fiance and her sister.

"Everyone," she said. "Please welcome my family, the family Madrigal! The townspeople applauded, those who had drinks raised them, shouting "Salut!" but something was... off. The Madrigals noticed it, including Mirabel. Their smiles seemed fake, some of their eyes even said that they were not welcoming to these newcomers. But why? When Mira arrived they were simply indifferent to her, at least before she fixed the Salazar home. No one seemed to care that she was there. Why do they care about the Madrigals?

Mira walked her sister out, the few steps to the door were silent and followed by the inn keeper's wife. The youngest sister glanced at her little primo as she walked out the door. He's so big... She thought. Luisa... Luisa looked almost the same. She was tired but still strong as ever. Dolores looked... happier, as she spoke to Mariano who gave her a peck on the cheek. Dolores and Mariano? How did they get together? Camilo stood at the entrance of the fence, a young woman holding his hand. That must be his wife...

Mira turned around and faced her family, for the first time in years... "Eh- Esther here will show you all to your rooms in the inn..." She nervously toyed with the pom-pom on her dress. Esther beckoned the family to follow her. "Hey- uh," Mira began, prompting the family- her family, to turn to her. A soft arm linked into hers. Mercedes smiled at her sister-in-law, a braid hitting Mira on the cheek as she did. Mira smiled back. "If you'd like, you can come back tomorrow morning, for breakfast..." The family stood in silence.

"We'd love to," Luisa said. Turning on her heels, she followed the innkeeper's wife to their sleeping places. Mira sighed out a breath of relief hoping that the sun would take its time to rise. That reunion breakfast is honestly the last thing she wanted to deal with.

 That reunion breakfast is honestly the last thing she wanted to deal with

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