Vampiric Hiccups.

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Prue and Andy were posting the most beautiful pictures, they looked tanned, relaxed and most of all happy. I could see a little bump on Prue's belly, there was even a picture of Andy touching it. Of course this was all on social media, the likes were through the roof, the comments all wonderful. It was wonderful, people actually noticed what i did and some didn't even know Prue was pregnant. They were in the Bahamas, it of course was hurricane season, we were all worried about them, as were the social media commentators.

Andy's father posted, "the flight you were due back on, is taking off the day before the hurricane hits, make sure you both get it. Love to you both."

The Trudeau's paid for it Andy's father would've got all the information sent straight to him. Prue commented that she and Andy had planned to get the plane the day before anyway as they seen the locals battening down the hatches before it made landfall. Prue would've felt guilty, she and Andy leaving the locals to the destruction that was about to come. We urged her to get the earlier flight, that she is carrying precious cargo. Prue reassured us that she and Andy will definitely be on it, that she thinks the locals have it all in hand. Prue mentioned that local witches have been chanting to lessen its devastation.

Morris was back in Florida still in shock, but as i thought, he was over it, he realised that Sonja is just a witch, not as powerful as we were. This quelled his fears about Sheila. Julie of course knew little of the story, she just knew us as estranged friends. Morris told us that he would come up and visit once Julie starts her new job, a job that takes her travelling all around the country and the world, he also wants to go into business with Andy, he wants to start a private investigation firm, something they both talked about when they worked together in SFPD.

We soon learned that Prue and Andy took an even earlier flight, that the flight they were to take was cancelled as the hurricane was at sea right at that moment, it seems the meteorological agency got their information wrong. Or the fact witches chanted en masse to stop it? Everyone was relieved that they were on their way home, they lost two days but it's better than being dead again. Upon leaving, Prue helped the local witches by casting a spell, one that would make the F4 hurricane become less destructive when it reached land. I knew Prue would do something like that as the locals were wonderful to her, she felt like she was fleeing and leaving them in the lurch.

I remembered when i was queen of the underworld, the seer knew of someone that worked with the wind, maybe Prue got the idea from that? Prue had her head in many books since she was brought back. We soon learned that their flight touched down, just as the hurricane danced close to the shore, the spell worked, it never made landfall. I was in awe, that meant the islanders just felt a little breeze, an island of people that were used to this type of devastation every year sometimes. This year, they won't get the same damage, that spell packed quite the punch. I'm not taking away what the locals did to help.

Cole said he would pick them up from the airport on his way home from work. Cole has been with Sonja a lot, Sheila too. Sonja took Sheila to meet her father, she couldn't believe he was almost two centuries old, Sheila of course asked if she could be made this way too, we all accepted it, she's apart of our family, we discussed this with the rest of the group and said we would put it to a vote, no doubt Sonja would want in on the action and it wouldn't be fair to leave her vulnerable, but she too is family and if we stick together, we can create a haven up here, a safe haven not just for us, but for our children and grandchildren.

I heard a rumor the other day that Wyatt may have gotten a young lady pregnant, it of course came from Chris, a bit of a fibber but he usually only lies when there's some semblance of truth to it. Piper won't be happy, but Wyatt is old enough to be a father, he's almost twenty
one but until we know for sure, we can't or won't tell her. We decided that we should take a vote at Cole and i's home, it is us that hold the spell and it's ingredients, a spell that the stuffy old farts in the clouds would deem as dark magic, it's not dark at all, but they seem to see it as such.

I and Prue have studied all the grimoires and we have deemed them as witches powers, spells and potions that evil used against us for centuries. Prue was tired after travelling and sent her vote as 'yes,' via text message, Paige did the same, Piper and Leo voted yes too, they were the ones that we expected some opposition from, but they sure surprised us. I feel that Leo is getting used to doing things his way, not having to get approval from the Elders at every turn when we needed to do something.

In fact, i solely blame the Elders for helping us fail in some missions over the years. If we didn't need to seek permission, we would've been able to stop many attacks, stopped the source had my premonitions came by themselves, i would've known Cole was the source, i would've been married to him all these years, but they were responsible for hiding it from me. The Elders true focus was on Piper and Leo to continue the Wiccan legacy, a legacy that even my Grams didn't want us to have, when she said it was to save us from fighting demons, i believe it was because of their stupid rede. The Elders have mixed witchcraft and Christianity to appease their bosses, but their logic is flawed and moot.

The vote was cast, Sheila and Sonja were to receive the immortality elixir, they are to become immortal like us, but they can't tell a soul outside this family. This is our true family, it will always be protected, we moved across the country on a design created by my sister in-law. I never for one moment will ever forget what she has done for me and all of us, Sonja has singlehandedly brought us all together, we wouldn't be here without her patience and her desire to be a part of something greater than herself and now she is. It turns out Sonja, like Cole is a great strategist, to orchestrate how our lives would end up, for five years, is incredible, Sonja deserves this and much more.

We sat and discussed with Sonja how she gets on with Elizabeth, Sonja tells us that she enjoys her company so much that she has been tempted to call her mother, Elizabeth has even decided that she is her daughter, she may not be blood related but she is to Cole and Benjamin.

The potion was made, we invited them to drink it, when the moon was high in the sky, but Prue tweaked it so it can be taken at anytime.

Sheila took it first, she asks, "are you meant to feel anything?"

I replied, "if you suffer from pains, aches of any kind, they shall be gone."

Sheila informs us that she doesn't feel pain in her hips, pain she's felt since childbirth. Sonja's transformation was quite different, she became something else entirely, we seen her writhe on the floor, she then sprang up, telling us to shut the curtains quick, or she would burn. Shocked wasn't close enough a term I'd use to describe this, Sonja had became a vampire.

What went wrong? We asked Elizabeth would Prue's tweaking of the ingredients and time of day hinder the process?

Elizabeth asked, "why? What's happened?" I told her Sonja became a vampire and Elizabeth had a long pause on the phone, then said, "damn, i had forgotten her grandmother was a vampire, which is why Sonja became the same."

My instant thought was Sheila, then i remembered, she didn't care when Sonja was a demon. I was right Sheila didn't care, in fact it came to our attention that Sheila knew more about Sonja that she pretended, Sheila had met Sonja's grandmother, she came to the wedding and it was at the wedding she wore all black, gloves, a veil and carried a parasol. It seemed she covered up so she didn't get burned, the only time she was in regular clothing, was at nighttime and on overcast days.

The new Sheila was badass. There was nothing about Sonja that Sheila wasn't aware of. We needed to figure out a way for Sonja to continue live her life normally, i had heard of a stone called Lapis Lazuli, it apparently deflects the suns rays if blessed by a witch. I asked Sonja did she know where to get it? Sonja said she would need to travel down south looking for it. It was a wow moment for Cole and i.

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