A Big Day Tomorrow.

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For once in a long time, life is good. I haven't heard from Coop since our divorce, i have been watching my belly grow for months, we have to see my OBGYN once a week. We are having twins, twin boys. Paige has finally came around to Cole and i. Paige brought the girls, Henry's first son and Henry to Cole and i's home. Paige brought some of their sons old things. Piper and Leo brought a trunk of old clothes that Wyatt and Chris wore. They're old fashioned but they'll only wear them once or twice.

Paige was still frightened to be alone with Cole in a room. I know in time that will be less the case. In New York the evil was enveloped by the skyscrapers. I had a few moments of vanquishing demons. I soon learned that Coop remarried, he married our old friend Billie, she left us for Canada almost a decade ago. I always remembered how she looked at him, he tried to set her up with guys from college, even people from her work. I was finally feeling fulfilled.

Cole has been an angel, of course who knows where he'll go when he dies, although it's the last thing i want to think about right now, I'm very happy, we are very happy. I am now living without the rules of the Elders, i now live life on my own terms, vanquish evil on my own terms and protect innocents when i can.

Cole tries to stay away, but due to my being pregnant, he's very protective. Cole helps identify the demons, well the ones he can remember, his memory of that life is fading for him. We vanquish as many of them that turn up. Cole suggested i took a hiatus from that for a while, he told me that i wasn't like Piper, her pregnancies made her invincible, Piper was pregnant with three half white lighters, the babies protected Piper, but my pregnancy is normal. The demons that reside in New York are many in comparison to San Francisco, Cole said it's the darkness caused by the skyscrapers that keep the city in partial darkness, it draws them here.

There are covens of witches here that fight demons as often as we did back in the day, but even though i have my sisters back, I'm not in the power of three anymore. I still wish to be a solitary practitioner, the other thing is I'm no longer a Wiccan, i despise authority as everyone that knows me will know. I still won't use my gifts for personal gain, which is why i believe the Elders haven't taken my powers again. They know I'm against the whole using our gifts for personal gain, besides we were born witches.

The label of Wicca began in the sixties, created by a man named Gerald Gardiner. It's witchcraft mixed with religion, namely Christianity. It seems he was a friend of Aleister Crowley, he was a leading name of the occult over a century ago. I prefer to work alone, but if my sisters need me for a power of three spell, I'm always here, they haven't needed me thus far.

Cole finally got a break from work, he even joked, "i sometimes wished i could still shimmer, i would take us to that little picnic spot in France, the one i took you to a long time ago."

I replied, "if you could still shimmer, we wouldn't be here."

He replied, "i know that, i would just like to be like Leo and orb wherever we needed to."

I knew what he meant, it would make life a little easier for us. The babies definitely had my gift, they send me premonitions all the time, especially when a demon is near. Cole suggested we go on a demon killing spree before i enter the third trimester, we wanted the babies to be born in a safe way, without the attacks of any demon wishing to harm me, the babies and especially Cole.

The underworld still hasn't forgiven him for allowing us to kill so many upper level demons, the day the seer was being sworn in as the source. Cole is an innocent without powers, if they got to him before these babies are born, i would be devastated. Cole and i went out to the streets that night, we had spent the day making potions. Cole would recognise his former colleagues, those that he remembers anyway.

We found a skyscraper used by demons to insert themselves into our world, just as they did years ago. The building was crawling with demons, i told Cole to stay out of sight, but he wouldn't listen to me, he decided to show himself. Some of them recognised him, some didn't. We went through the lobby vanquishing the demon security, then made our way to the sixth floor and we fought with upper level demons, vanquishing them all.

Cole explained, "the demons will now retreat to the underworld, they will know a charmed one is in town, that alone will frighten them."

As usual Cole was right, the babies stopped sending premonitions, we decided to just sit back and relax and await the arrival of our boys.

I was now seven months gone, the babies were moving less and less. The OBGYN told me that if the babies were moving less, it would be a sign they're getting ready to make an appearance. It would be getting really cramped in there now. Cole and i had a check up, it turned out it would be our last, we were told by the nurse that one of the twins is taking more food than his brother, making his brother smaller, that it might be time for them to come out.

Cole and i discussed it, we agreed they should come out. We booked into the hospital for a C-Section, we called Piper and Paige to let them know that the babies will be arriving. Piper had some news of her own for us, well for me at least. It seems Billie is pregnant, i now believe this whole thing may have been orchestrated by the Elders. I guess this should quell the fears of Paige, they are still trying to control me, but once these babies are born, i will summon one of their butts down here.

I stopped worrying about them and began focusing on our children. We were booked in for the next morning, Cole was amazing, i didn't have to lift a finger. We packed the hospital bag, we sat and watched a movie and ate a beautifully cooked meal. Piper and Leo orbed in, Paige came along with Henry. They wanted to be in the hospital when the babies came.

We had the staff cook for them and offered them a room for the night, our house was twice the size of the manor. A house Cole built himself, it was a house that we dreamed of all those years ago.

Piper even mentioned it when she first visited, she said, "this house would've been your dream house, i remember you and Cole talking about it."

I do believe Cole took the idea from Bane Jessop's dream house. It was almost identical, except larger and not in Bodega Bay. We were all exhausted and decided to call it a night, we have a big day tomorrow.

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