Its Your Funeral.

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After hours of catching up, Cole showed me to my room, he took my hand and kissed it, he said, "goodnight Phoebe, it's so strange saying that again. Have a great sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

I got into bed, put on my sleeping mask and fell into a deep sleep quickly, i began having the same dream again. The dream was beautiful, i felt nothing but love and care, a dream that could foretell my future. I woke up and Cole had been up a while, it seems he had been exercising as he was ageing just like any human, i guess he wanted to stay in shape since he couldn't fight off any illness that he wouldn't have got as a demon or the source.

He was sweating and still looked good, his body shape hadn't changed, a few wrinkles, some grey hair, but he still looked as fit and healthy as any man, especially a man over one hundred and thirty. Cole had made my favourite breakfast, we sat and ate and were about to discuss what we should do today, just as Leo orbed in.

Cole was shocked and I sensed he missed him, "hello Leo, long time no see. How are you doing?"

Leo in his ever bitter self replies, "Phoebe is needed, there's a power of three demon that needs vanquished."

Cole says to me, "do you want to go?" I looked at Leo and reminded him, "i don't have any powers anymore, you have the boys, you have Piper and Paige and her children."

Leo didn't say another word and orbed out. Piper called straight after, "so, you're choosing Cole again over us?"

I couldn't hold my tongue, "Piper, when will you understand that you're not my mother, I'm an adult and i shall do as i please, not what you want, the Elders want or what Leo wants. Use your offspring."

It was then i realised that i was oppressed as a charmed one. I had no say in my life, i had to be at their beck and call twenty four seven. It's time their children, who were now teens and adults take over. Their gifts were always stronger than ours, especially Paige's.

I had, had enough. I was done with being a witch, a charmed one, a wife and for now a sister. All i wanted for right now was to spend time with Cole. The oldest sister of us all understood it, even when she was alive, i should taken some of my own advice i gave Prue back then, when i said, "you need a life outside of the charmed ones."

I was right, i did need a life away from them all. I'll miss my nieces and nephews, but since they all have phones they can still keep in touch with me. I was angry at Leo for how he spoke to Cole, i called him and told him so. Cole and i planned our day, it's been almost thirty years since I've been in New York, Cole asked me to go to my old workplace The Rainbow Rooms. It had changed hands multiple times since i worked there.

My old manager was still there she recognised me from a mile away, she told me she reads my column online, the same manager that told me when she fired me, "that i wouldn't amount to anything."

We ate there and decided to visit my old apartment, the strange thing is, Cole owns the building. When Cole moved to New York, the man that owned the building wanted to tear it down, Cole bought it as the tenants would've been evicted. Cole now let's them live there rent free, in two years it receives protected status, meaning it can't be tore down.

Cole remodelled the apartments on his own dime, when he told me this, i was falling for him again. I haven't forgotten the past, but i now believe Cole to be my future and the downside is my family and of course Coop, he won't do well when we get a divorce. Cole had another surprise for me, his office and a party to meet all his friends. This of course reminded me of the penthouse when he was the source, but Cole is human now, his friends won't be evil, I'm sure the Elders have watched his every move.

We went home after seeing his office, it was in a huge skyscraper, the view was right over Central Park. I went to Cole's room after we got back and asked him for an opinion on two dresses, he always had great taste when it came to what i should wear. I knocked on his door, he was in the shower and asked me to come in.

I sat on the bed, i waited until he came out, he asked, "what can i do you for?"

I held up both dresses and he picked the one in my left hand, it was the most classy of the two. I left his room and went to get ready. Once i was ready, i walked out of the room.

Cole was at the bottom of the stairs, he smiled as i walked down he then said, "wow, you look amazing. Your carriage awaits my lady."

We arrived at this huge house, all his colleagues and friends were there, he introduced me as his former wife, best and ever love. The friends were all amazing, i didn't sense one iota of evil, i may have lost my powers, but i still had my intuition. We talked and mingled with all his friends. I enjoyed all their company, they were all genuinely nice people.

One woman, a woman that was deeply attracted to Cole said, "now i know why you wouldn't date me, she's gorgeous."

Cole laughed and thanked her for her honesty. We finally ended the evening and we travelled back to his house in the back of a cab.

I reached out and took his hand and said, "Cole, if we're going to do this again, we must do it properly."

Cole looked at me, he smiled and replied, "Phoebe Halliwell, my greatest love, we will do this properly. We will be a power couple, my career and yours, the world is ours for the taking."

When we arrived back, we opened a bottle of champagne, it was to celebrate and as we did Coop showed up.

Cole put down the bottle and the glasses left the room telling us, "I'll leave you two to talk."

I thanked him, i asked Coop, "you're going to have to sit down to hear this."

Coop refused to sit down and he tells me and shouts to Cole, "i know what you're going to say, I'll be devastated to lose you. I sense you've made up your mind. I'll have all my things moved out of our apartment as soon as possible. Goodbye Phoebe. Oh and Cole you better take better care of her this time."

Coop disappeared in the way he does,

Cole came out from the solarium and asked me, "are you ok? I take it you don't want to open this champagne?"

To my own surprise i did, "no baby open it, i believe we could both use it."

We toasted to the end of my marriage and our new lives together.

Piper of course called, it seems she's changed her mind, she in her ever snarky tone scoffed, "Phoebe you're out of your mind, who's to say he won't become evil again. I assured her it wasn't possible.

Piper replied, "well it's your funeral."

I responded, "my funeral? This is the beginning of the best time of my life, I'll not be under anymore scrutiny, I'll be a mom, I'll be with the man that I've always loved. You either accept it Piper or lose me forever. I am filing for divorce from Coop."

Piper hung up and Cole reminded me, "as a lawyer, you'll need to apply in California, that's where you got married, maybe when you go, you can fix things with your sisters?"

I replied, "well I'm not due back for a few more days, we have some other things to catch up on."

That was the night i spent in Cole's bedroom. It brought back so many memories, mostly good.

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