Decompression Hiatus.

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I had spent a few days with Cole, it was fun. Cole had to leave, i told him i would take a work hiatus and fly out and spend time with him. It was a getting to know each other thing again. Cole ever the gentleman kissed me on the cheek and walked inside the airport and called me as soon as he landed.

I was about to get into my car and Leo orbed beside me, he angrily stated, "are you out of your mind? Do you not remember what he's done to this family?"

I replied, "Leo mind your business, if you were truly my family, you would've told me that he was now a full human, with great respect and living in New York."

Leo couldn't answer me, then he asked, "what about Coop? He's your husband. The Elders sent him to you, sure they're fickle, they've prevented you from having children. They must think you're not ready, he's away twenty four seven, you have your work. You're a charmed one, they must believe you can't balance it out."

I responded angrily to Leo, "you and Piper and Paige have it all. You a white lighter, that can be there for Piper and the children. Paige works, she has Henry who also works and has the children and is there for her. Coop is never here. I seek solace in bottles of Chardonnay each night. Yet, I'm still not a mother."

Leo orbed away from me, suddenly i felt my powers drifting away from me. Leo had ratted me out to the Elders. Although i was still a charmed one, the only thing i could do was chant spells.

I called for Leo, he came and asked again, "are you willing to reconsider?

I looked at him and replied with deep disdain, "I'm still a charmed one, powers or not. This is why i can't be with Coop, he's taken all my decisions away from me. He kept the secret that Cole was alive. You also knew. This is why i won't do anything for the Elders anymore until they learn that i can make my own decisions. Oh and FYI, i had a dream that Cole and i were together, we were married and had children. Cole also had the same dream. I think i shall be taking a hiatus from Coop and i's marriage and spending time with Cole in New York. So, if demons attack you either orb to New York to get me or fight them with the boys and Paige's children. It's time for me to do things for me." I know I sounded selfish but I was thinking about my future for once.

I called Coop as soon as Leo orbed out, i told him that i would be in New York with Cole.

I could tell from his voice he was devastated, but he sullenly mentioned, "if it doesn't work out with you and Cole, you know where to find me, I'll always love you."

I knew he would, i oddly could still feel it, but my heart was on its way to New York before me.

I called work and told them that i would hire a ghostwriter for my column. I hired a woman I'd used before, she was a single mother and often needed the money. Clara the ghostwriter jumped at the opportunity, she was desperate for money. I booked my flight to New York, i called Cole and he planned that he would meet me at the airport. It was weird being on that flight, travelling to the man that used to be a demon, the source of all evil, the man so indestructible we couldn't vanquish, then behind our backs, our youngest sister persuaded us to vanquish him, in another world when he was an avatar.

The man i was now travelling to was human, he still loved me, i was beginning to feel how he made feel, even when he was a demon. I also felt bad for Coop but i couldn't have gone on the way i had. It was constant scrutiny from old men and women in the clouds making my decisions for me. Stopping me from having children, showing me that when i could balance my life to align with their plans, they would allow children to come into my life.

Well I've had it and now my sisters know, they too have had a hand in keeping me down. Prue was the only one that gave me a two sided insight, she wanted me to make my decisions by myself. When Prue was alive she hated Cole but at least she gave him a chance, Piper too gave him a chance but very little, Paige on the other hand hated him from the moment she met him.

The flight finally landed, Cole was waiting outside, with a bouquet of my favourite flowers. He helped me with my luggage and took me to his house, it reminded me of the penthouse we shared, but it was a house. Cole had prepared a room for me, he told me in the car that he won't assume anything, the room is far away from his, he's finished his latest case and is taking a hiatus from work too. Cole had staff in his house, they cooked and cleaned, but he dismissed them on their own hiatus, to cook for me himself. I always enjoyed his cooking he is great in the kitchen.

Cole took my bags to the bedroom, i wandered the house, i found a beautiful picture of us on our wedding day. I didn't need to ask him why he kept it, i already knew.

Cole came down and asked what should we eat? I asked him, "do you remember my most favourite meal?"

He looked at me and smiled, "are you kidding? It's eggplant lasagne. I haven't forgotten a thing, good or bad."

Cole began cooking, we chatted while he was preparing our meal. I asked him, "did you ever seek me out when you became human?"

Cole replied, "I couldn't, that was one of the clauses the Elders told me, that if i did they would take it away and send me to the wasteland. I wanted to, then that Cupid came, he tried to set me up with many women, i of course dated some of them, but they weren't you. Can i ask you something?"

"Sure." I replied.

Cole asked, "when you married Coop, did you ever think of me? Or did you ever think of me at all?"

I thought for a moment, then responded, "of course i did, the day reminded me of ours, although it was small, we weren't in a church being attacked by a Lazarus demon. Then when Piper was dying, i could've swore i sensed you at the manor, i guess you were there that day, you saved Piper."

I then asked, "so, has anyone from the underworld ever try and entice you back in?"

Cole looked at me, i was reminding myself of when i could tell he was lying, he replied, "they did, they tried and failed to place demonic powers inside of me, but they wouldn't stick. I told them never to bother me again, if they want a leader for down there, there's demons that could fill that role much better. They agreed, they never came back."

He was telling the truth, he couldn't ever look at me in the eyes if he was lying. The food was ready, we sat down and ate, it was like old times, when we would kick my sisters out of the manor so we could have our date night in peace. I was loving this side to him, the side i always wished for.

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