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I was in shock, i shimmered back to Cole and told him what the Elder said.

Cole said, "honey, they won't ever take Prue or Andy again. I swear on the lives of our boys."

Cole wouldn't have swore this lightly, i asked him, "what do we do now?"

Cole replied, "i will go speak with my mother, she will have a way to stop the Elders destroying this family."

I asked, "how? We have all her grimoires?"

Cole explained, "my mother may have gave you her grimoires, but she's an odd one she would've copied every book she gave us. Also, i know that she has others, ones much ancient than from before."

We kept the information for us alone. Cole shimmered to Elizabeth and he text with, "mom has a plan, she can get the Elder into a prison, Leo to confess all before they or the Elder begins with Plan B."

I replied, "ok, do it." Elizabeth needed something of Matías', a comb, a piece of clothing or just something he touched."

Matías had actually touched the blankets our babies used, instead of putting the entire family at risk, by going an confronting him, we would send a blanket to Elizabeth. Elizabeth took a slice of the blanket, the blanket he picked up when looking down at our boys when they were first born.

Elizabeth performed a spell that would lock the Elder in the apartment in Hawaii, he wouldn't be able to call out to his colleagues in the clouds and not be heard by anyone. It was extreme, but necessary, she then cast a truth spell on Leo, soon he blabbed to Piper that he was in cahoots with Matías. Piper was furious, to the point she was blowing things up.

Leo was confused, he was soon spilling secrets left and right and he told Paige what he actually thought about her. It was shocking, he actually despised her, not because of who she was in a personal sense, but because she was born a white lighter, he had to die to become one.

There was truth bombs all around after that, it was disturbing to hear, the spell finally wore off and Piper said, "well Leo, we now know how you feel, especially about your sister in-law, under a spell or no, i want you out."

Leo began to try and apologise, but he already said too much. Piper then demanded to know who cast the spell?

I raised my hand and said, "i asked Cole to ask his mom, the Elder wanted Prue and Andy back up there. Piper, she's pregnant, what else were we to do?"

Piper replied, "damn, after those truth bombs, i wish you had discovered he was having an affair or something, what he and Matías were planning was abhorrent and the truth is for the want of a better word, I'm glad y'all did what you did. I can't see my sister gone again. Now what on earth do we do with the imprisoned Elder?"

I shrugged my shoulders, it was Cole that suggested we shimmer him to a ledge in the underworld, from there no one could sense him?"

I looked at Cole, "are you crazy? We can't do that, not because of what his plans were, but you'll be discovered down there." Cole laughed, "i won't, i know down there like the back of my hand. He needs teaching a lesson."

Piper overheard our conversation and said, "do it, send that sneaky, conniving bastard down there as that's where he belongs."

I looked at Cole and said, "you heard her, do it. Be careful though. None of us can go down there for you."

Cole shimmered to the Elder and shimmered him to a ledge where Cole placed Cortez back in the day. A place where the Elder couldn't send out a distress signal. Cole returned, the relief was palpable for me.

Piper and Leo had some talking to do, but she used magic to clean the house and in he orbed, he couldn't help himself but he snarked, "that's personal gain."

Piper yelled, "Leo, we are not Wiccan anymore, an it harm none do as ye will, doesn't concern us anymore. You and Matías were going to do something worse and more heinous than what i did."

Piper then told Leo to go to their vacation spot, she wants to think whether their marriage is worth saving. I tried to talk Piper out of kicking Leo out, but as always she told me to mind my own business. It wasn't my business but i now feared for Cole's future. I then summoned an Elder down.

I told him of Matías' and Leo's plan, he said, "none of what they were planning had anything to do with us, they were acting on their own."

This shocked me even more, the Elders didn't sanction this, why would Leo do this? I needed answers, the Elder asked where is Matías? I informed him he's in the underworld.

The Elder replied, "well serves him right, he shouldn't have been down here plotting. The grand design hasn't been affected since you all left the legacy. In fact we have noticed a more positive shift, which is why we will allow this one to slide with Cole."

I almost fainted, i guess we missed a huge dodgeball with this one. I enquired to understand why the grand design has remained the same. The Elder said, "with you guys not following the rules and remaining passive, it's shifted more towards good, also, there's an Angel keeping the demons in check and he's doing it so well."

I looked at him puzzled and asked, "don't you mean a fallen Angel?"

The Elder replied, "no, he never fell, he wanted to give his brother a rest, he believed six thousand years down there without a break, is enough."

Wow i thought, 'so, the devil is real?'

I asked Cole years ago was there a leader called Satan he always replied, "no, he's just named the source."

I have a feeling that answer will always elude me. The Elder said he was leaving to collect Matías and see what the bosses think.

The Elder left and i told Piper, she said, "well, i hope they kick Leo's ass as well."

I've seen her angry before, but never this angry. It seemed that Leo's bosses wanted him to come up as well, he went with fear as far as i knew. Then it hit me, she knew the Elders would strip Leo of his white lighter powers, meaning he will be on earth as a human. I remembered when Leo was human before, that he hated it.

It was when Prue was in danger from a dark lighter and he demanded his powers back. I think this time Piper has the skills in helping him deal with it. I was sadly right, Leo was sent back to Piper with his powers stripped, he was devastated but in an astonishing twist of events, he was happy about it. It finally made sense, this is what he's wanted all along. Leo wants to age along with Piper, it was definitely a desire she has wanted too. The conversations we've had over the years, has shown me that it's been a desire since they first discovered he was a white lighter. A tragedy averted this time.

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