Three Elders And A Half A Cupid.

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"What a night," Piper exclaimed!

"What on earth happened to her? What's changed that loving and caring woman?" Piper asked?

I replied, "it'll be Coop, he isn't easy, I'm 99.9% sure he has done something that pissed her off. He has a way to get under your skin. I should know, i lived with him for years and he almost drove me to killing him, he's condescending, he's controlling, he critical of almost everything you do. My guess is he planned on taking their child away, that's the only reason, i believe that Billie would've went through those lengths to hurt him. My question is, he's a celestial, why didn't the Elders step in?"

Leo looked at me, "good question, he's more powerful than them."

Then Cole reminded us of something that stopped us all in our tracks, "maybe the Elders wanted him dead? Wouldn't be the first time they wanted one of their own dead, isn't that right Leo?"

Leo looked at Cole and replied, "I'm not dismissing this theory, but seriously, i think you might be right. Don't worry, I'll find out, Elders are worse gossips than humans."

Leo orbed up and went to his friend Robert, he was the biggest gossip up there, he was able to get some information out of him. It seems Cole's theory was right, the Elders wanted Coop dead for not keeping Phoebe by his side. They made him leave Billie and leave Canada. Billie of course wasn't happy, but she loved Coop and was willing to go anywhere with him.

Leo told them that they saved Coop, that if they don't want him alive, then they call him back or he will go above their heads. It became clear that their leaders had no idea, the Elders scurried around trying to cover their tracks, but it was too late, those that planned on killing Coop fell from grace and now lived a human existence, an existence they deplored.

These Elders despised humans due to their weaknesses. How did these Elders get the privilege of becoming angels? Leo explained that some Elders thought they were better than humanity, even though they were humans before becoming angels. The very fact infuriated Leo, he's been a loyal soldier for decades, he wanted to get to the bottom of why they wanted Coop dead as he didn't believe it was to do with me at all.

Was it because he procreated with Billie without permission and that he shirked his responsibilities once the baby was born for a little while? Then i remembered he was matching demons and witches. Yet, they wouldn't let us, or didn't Coop want children with me and he was lying?

I talked this over with Prue and she said, "it's lies, he could've had a baby with you, i suspect he was slipping you contraceptives?"

It began making sense, i did wonder why Billie got pregnant very quickly. Prue also mentioned that Billie's baby would be half Cupid, that's perhaps what they wanted? Prue agreed, she said, "then you or any of us should warn Billie and Coop that's the plan."

Prue told us something else interesting, she explained, "Phoebe, i believe those Elders took that fall from grace very well, maybe they want to kidnap that baby and take it's powers?"

Again my big sister was right, it was Andy that came to the conclusion, his detective skills were still as sharp. The family got together and began enacting a plan, as much as Billie was a huge pain in the ass, we couldn't let fallen angels take her baby. I called Coop and warned him, he said that he thought that was part of the problem. Coop told us that he is taking Billie and their child to a place where they can live without being on the radar of the Elders.

Coop also said, "if they keep this up, I'll have much more of them kicked off their perches."

It's believed that Billie and Coop will try again as a couple, it's a sensible idea, they can protect their child better as a strong unified family. Coop told us he was still in love with Billie and she him, but they agreed they married too fast, had a baby too fast and Coop didn't entirely get over me. I knew that was lies, the feelings he had for me were automated, it was proven when we split. Coop really loved Billie, that much was evident. Especially noticing how he is with her and the baby, he wasn't that way with me.

Life will be better once we all find our standing. We have averted this crisis, but we need to be ready for the unexpected. Leo finally got to finish the lakeside restaurant, they began advertising and it became busy slowly. A lot of their business came by the way of the lake and tourists. Piper of course was in her element in front of a cooker, Leo as usual orbed around the world, teaching Chris and Wyatt along the way. Leo also brought the twins that belonged to Paige on jobs as well. They were like Chris and Wyatt, part witch and part white lighters, they had to learn and fast.

Leo as usual was just trying to keep his bosses happy, of course he loved all his charges, but it was exhausting for him. Prue was fed up working in an office, she decided that she would become a full time witch, she and Andy began making plans for their wedding, they wanted to get married before their baby was born, Prue discovered she was pregnant the day after we sent The Hollow back. It also came to our attention that the underworld was now in more capable hands, it was being run by a demon named Azreal, a fallen angel, he actually came from above the Elders, they used to answer to him, even now, he got every demon under control and pulled all demons topside home. Was it too premature to celebrate?

We won't celebrate anything, it's too soon as we don't know what's around the corner for any of us yet, but things are looking good so far. I am enjoying my life, no Elders to send us into danger, my boys, my sisters all of us together. We have moved to a much colder place, but we can travel down south if we want sun, but up here in winter is magnificent, the sparkle of the snow capped trees, that glisten from miles away, white sheen of the hills, in all honesty it makes San Francisco look very much like a place of vulgarity. I'm not professing to be virtuous, i have flaws as much as everyone, we all do. This time five years ago, i wouldn't have imagined this, i was in an apartment with Coop with itchy feet and still not a mother.

We hadn't heard from Elizabeth and Benjamin in a while, Cole was worried, he had been in constant contact with his mother and father everyday since they came back into our lives. I told Cole to take a few days off and go and see them. It was worrying, had i counted my chickens before they hatched again? Well, i had. Cole drove to his parents home, it looked as though a struggle had taken place, Cole noticed a message scrawled on the bathroom mirror, it was in his mothers handwriting.

She wrote "to whomever finds this, the Elders have taken us."

It seemed Elizabeth scrawled the message on the mirror and the coldness showed the message for someone to find.

Cole felt guilty, he said, "i felt something was wrong for a while, yet i was too preoccupied with work. I can't see a reason they would take my parents unless, it's their leverage to get to Billie and Coop's baby?"

I believe that was the only thing that would make sense, but those fallen angels will be leaving empty handed, we will find my in-laws and keep Billie and Coops baby safe. They really didn't think this one through, they didn't expect us to discover this so soon. I gathered Prue, Paige and Piper to do a locator spell, we finally found them, they were in the Catskills, another mountainous area, similar to The Adirondacks.

It seemed that Elizabeth was able to send us a message, she told us the weak areas, places we could enter and rescue them. Although that may also be a trap, i decided that Prue came with me to find Elizabeth and Benjamin, while Piper and Leo orbed to Billie and Coop to hide them. This would be the first time we fought Elders to retrieve my in-laws. We had to treat them like demons, so Piper would freeze them, then Leo would orb them as far away as possible. Leo would also visit his bosses to inform them of their former colleagues plan. The bosses will be angry, angry enough to strip them of any immortality they have, they won't have an eternity on earth, they'll be living as full humans.

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