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[I'm back to you with another chapter, and it's more of a fill-in, but still interesting... At least for me, hope you enjoy😏]

[[Also I promise it won't take half a month for the next chapter]]

You stare into hyperspace. You find it calming... Eventough there's a big g chance it'll drive you mad if you stared into it for too long. But who knows, maybe you're already insane, because you could've sworn you saw people's shadows moving in the hyperspace.

You then hear a beep, indicating that you're arriving on your destination... Mandalore.

1st pov:
I come out of hyperspace and immediately turn on a cloaking device. It will hide me from all their radars. I think that a Jedi who doesn't have a clearance and isn't even supposed to be there isn't exactly welcomed here. Maybe I could ask Stallone to create me a false identity or something... I'm sure he could do it for me.

Thank the Force it's cloudy. Otherwise they wouldn't need radars to know that a Jedi fighter has entered their planet's atmosphere. [Don't ask how that's logical, I'm tired]

2nd pov:

You fly to a distant part of the planet and land on a shady platform. But we'll you're a Jedi, you're pretty confident that nothing will happen to you there. The only thing you'll lose is a lot of credits, so the dirty officers wouldn't report you to the higher ups... And more credits that they'd guard it and not let parts of it getting stolen and etc.

After landing and haggling a safe... Access to the planet you made your way towards the capital. You probably won't find your answers there, but you have no idea where else to go. And you have a full week, so there's plenty of time for everything. So you walked further into the city.

Hmmm weird..
Everyone seems so peaceful... You thought mandalorians were born-warriors... Maybe it's true that they have a pacifist leader... Or queen or whatever they call her.

Huh funny soldiers are now pacifists. This is almost as funny if Jedi, the peace-keeping monks were ruled and are war criminals.

You chuckle sarcastically... What has the galaxy come to...

But you will not question if what the Jedi are doing is wrong... You've learned as much as to not question or doubt your superiors.

You think to yourself...yet again with full of sarcasm. But you stop this train of thought and instead try to clear your mind. You did not come here to dwell on about what Jedi are doing wrong.

You then notice a sign that says "NO ARMOR" you stop and look down to yourself... Welp... You at least took your helmet off, hoping it'd help so no one will come arresting you.

You stopped at a street food place and bought some weird things called "Fries". You'd never heard of those before, they taste good tho.

You sit down on a bench, enjoying the odd, yet tasty food and relax. You expected visions to flood your mind as soon as you landed on the planet...but nothing.

The sky was turning dark indicating that night is arriving. Less people were on the streets and a lot of shops were closing.

'Shit, where do I sleep'

You immediately start venturing around to find some place to sleep. Soon enough you see a neon light saying "MOTEL" you enter it to see the reception was mostly clean and pretty tidy. You hope the rooms are the same.

You booked a night and might you say it cost a lot more than a night in Coruscant. Almost twice the price.

You fall asleep pretty quickly.

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