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When you reached the Jedi temple you, were greeted by Sinister and Rex. You never knew what battalion Sinister was in? He is definitely not in the 501st, because his armor is grey...

But you said that you had training and left hurriedly, leaving others on the hanger bay.

Windu: "You're late."

Y/N: "Sorry master, i..."

Windu: "It's fine, happens to all of us. I have prepared something for your final training before the knighting... But well they haven't arrived..."

You were about to ask who, but then the doors burst open and two people walked in. 'Haha what a cliche' you thought to yourself as the two were no one else than Anakin and Ahsoka.

Windu: "Skywalker! You're late, this is unacceptable. Do not let it happen again!"

Anakin: "It won't happen again master."

As much as you wanted to laugh, you stopped yourself from doing so.

Y/N: "Okay, I'm confused, what is this about?"

Windu: "Today you will fight all 3 of us, a Jedi master, a Jedi knight and a Jedi padawan."

Okay what? Why?

Y/N: "Okay, but couldn't you have like selected more equal fight for me? I mean I'm facing the greatest Jedi master the greatest knight and the greatest padawan in the entire Jedi order. I mean i heard that Ki-Adi-Mundi and his padawan just returned from a mission..."

They all chuckle and Windu answers.

Windu: "As much as we all probably are flattered by your compliments, let's not waste any more time and fight. And also... at first i wanted grandmaster Yoda here as well, but he felt sorry for you and passed on it."

What the hell?

Windu: "And do not forget, it is not about winning the fight for you, you just have to last as long as you can."

'Oh great, now it seems like he'll be disappointed if you don't win...
How the fuck does he exept me to win?'
You thought as you put the modifiers on your lightsabers so they wouldn't butn or cut through skin. Then you all took your battle stances.

You only had 1 lightsaber against 4. A fair fight.

Windu: "Y/N, i need you to completely focus on this, not like the last few. One touch on body and you're eliminated"

Y/N: "Yeah, yeah."

You were about to ask for another lightsaber, but before you could Anakin already rushed at you and tried to land a hit, but you were ready.

You blocked and and used his momentum against him and landed a hit on his back. You smirked.

But you forgot that there were others in battle and before you could do anything, you were hit with a purple lightsaber.

Windu: "Y/N, i told you to focus. Again."

Then Windu gave a lecture to Anakin about his foolishness and you took the battle stances again. This time Anakin and Ahsoka attacked you together, but more cautiously.

You were on full defensive mode as Windu attacked you after some time as well. 4 lightsabers coming from all directions. You just couldn't move yourself fast enough to block all the attacks. You immediately came up with a plan to even the odds.

You force pushed Anakin 10 feet away and moved in front of Windu, you grabbed a hold of his hand which was holding the lightsaber so he couldn't attack you, leaving your back towards Ahsoka.

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