Who is she?

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Y/n: AGHH!!

Y/n: 'I'm not dead? '

You suddenly sit up on the bed, taking in a deep breath, almost as if it's the first breath in many years.

Sinister: Woah, woah! Medic! He's awake!

You hear Sinister say, but don't see him, since something is covering your eyes. You try to take whatever it is off, but a metallic hand grabs your arm and stops you from doing so.

Droid: Removing the fold is prohibited.

Y/n: Why? What the hell is going on?

Sinister: Okay, calm down! What is the last thing you remember?

Y/n: I remember fighting that sith lady... And then an explosion went off and... Something hit me in the face.

Droid: Correct. A shard of durasteel. Your have completely lost vision from your left eye and your right eye needs time to heal. Hence the fold... Removing it will 99,9% exhibit impaired healing. Also, we have replaced 55% of your right limb because your ulna and the radius we're severed. We had to replace all your muscles up to your brachoradialis with synthetics.

Y/n: That means...

Droid: Simply said, you lost your right biological arm and we replaced it with a synthetic... Up to the elbow.

You touch your new right arm with your left hand softly, feeling the cold metal against your fingertips.

Y/n: That sucks... Now I'm like Anakin.

Sinister: Except your arm is waaay cooler.

Y/n: How so?

Sinister: Yours is made out of pure beskar.

Y/n: Huh? Where'd you get this beskar from?

Sinister: I have my connections... Anyways... The chancellor wishes to speak with you. He is thrilled about our success.

Y/n: How long do I have to wear this blindfold?

Droid: By my calculations, you can remove it in 3 weeks, 2 days and... Exactly 2 hours.

Y/n: That long? Sigh...

Sinister: At least you have the force to guide you.

Y/n: Shut up... Help me to the comm room.

You then stand up from the bed, Sinister taking your healthy hand and putting over his shoulder.

You limp with him to the comm room and he accepts the call from chancellor for you.

Chancellor: Y/n. How good to see you on your feet. I hope your injuries heal soon.

Y/n: Thank you chancellor. (You bow your head)

Chancellor: Also... Very good job completing the mission. Yet again sorry for your soldiers. They will be remembered... Now... Did you kill her?

Several thoughts run through your head. How does he already know about her? Did Sinister already tell him?

Before you can answer though. Sinister answers for you.

Sinister: Yes! When we reached Y/n. We also found a woman's body.

Chancellor: Good... Good. Impressive Y/n.

'Wait... I didn't kill her? Or did I ... I don't remember very well'

Y/n: Thank you chancellor. What is my next mission.

Chancellor: Hold on now. You have done well, you deserve time to heal. Take it as a vacation. Three weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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