Knighting Ceremony

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Hello There!👋

-----In The Trials chamber-----

You were meditating in the middle of the chamber, hovering 4 feet above the ground. The whole room was filled with little stones. Your trial of insight, consisted of finding the single grain of sand amongst the stones.

'A fucking pain in the ass.' You thought silently, but focused again, on trying to sense something... or think how to... Find... The... Sand... Grain...

After an hour...

You then just imagined the grain of salt in front of you and reached your hand out. You then felt it... You tried to pull it up, but it was stuck under stones. You then stood up and went to the edge of the room. You started digging 2 feet away from the wall until you saw the floor.

There it was... You put your finger on it and then raised your hand and turned around. The single drop of sand was stuck on your finger... You used the force to hold it there, so you wouldn't drop it.

Master Windu and Master Yoda came to you.

Windu: So?

Y/N: Found it... It's right here.

You said showing him your pointing finger.

Windu: I don't see anything?

Y/N: What do you mean... Look it's right here.

Windu chuckled.

Yoda: Congratulations Y/N, your Knighting ceremony, on Thursday, will take place.

Windu: Which means that on Wednesday you are required to ascend to the heart of the Tranquillity Spire.

Y/N: Yes masters

You said bowing and then said goodbye to them. So... Today is monday, on Wednesday you have to meditate the whole day and on Thursday, it's finally your Knighting ceremony.

-----Wednesday early morning-----

You woke up in the moderately comfortable bed. You sat on the edge of the bed thinking. You haven't been on missions for quite a while now. But soon you'll be on a lot of them.

You them put on your usual dark brown Jedi robes and went straight towards the Temple Spire. There was mastee Windu and Yoda waiting already.

You exchanged a few words and went in the middle of the room and sat down, crossing your legs.

You started meditating... You dreamed of good things, you saw peace and harmony... but soon it was replaced with blaster shots and screaming... You saw flashes of blaster fire and lightsabers. You heard speaking, but didn't recognize the voices, since they were very silent and crackling.

Dew it- AAAAAA- What have i- Execute ord-you were my broth-i hate you- khuuuhh prohhhh...khuuuhh prohhhh

You woke up from the meditation... dream... The mechanical breathing still filling your ears. You heard a click and saw Master Windu entering.

Windu: Good, you're done... Follow me...

You went to the next level of the Tower. The Hall of Knighthood. Stepping inside, your eyes had to get used to the dark. You saw a lot of Jedi Masters. You went into the middle of the room and kneeled down.

This place seemed magical, as all the Jedi Masters ignited their lightsabers around you. They made a perfect ring around.

Grandmaster Yoda then stepped in front of you.  He ignited his green lightsaber as well and stood in front of you. He then lowered his lightsaber just above of your right shoulder...then left and then he cut off your Padawan braid.

You saw it dropping to the ground. You picked it in your hands and stood up. You bowed and left the Hall of Knighthood in silence.

You went straight into the mess hall. The last time you ate was at least 48 hours ago. Yesterday, you were meditating the whole day and the day before that, you were too nervous to get anything down your throat.

You went inside and took some food. You heard someone calling you, so you turned around and saw Ahsoka waving her hand at you. You went over to her ans saw her sitting with Aayla. You sat next to Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: Hey Y/N, how'd it go? Are you a Jedi Knight now. How was it?

She swarmed you with questions which made you chuckle.

Y/N: Yes i am a Jedi Knight.

You said showing her your cut-off braid. You then tch'ed and said.

Y/N: FINALLY, I got rid of this stupid thing. I swear if I hadn't become a Knight today, I would've cut it off myself.

Ahsoka giggled, but Aayla glared at you.

Aayla: Hey, you should show some respect to Jedi traditions.

???: Heh, i had it the exact same way Y/N.

You looked behind and saw Anakin. He sat next to you.

Obi-Wan: Anakin, you really should set a better example for the new Jedi Knight.

He said in his usual sarcastic voice as he sat across from you and next to Aayla.

Y/N: Woah, since when do you eat here Anakin?

Obi-Wan: Oh, actually yes, where are you all the time... I am your master, but I've never seen you eat here...

Anakin tensed up and scratched the back of his head.

Anakin: I...uh... Eat at different times?

He said nervously.

Obi-Wan: Was that a question? Because it seemed like it was...

You chuckled at their bickering, but decided to save Anakin.


You were walking and talking with master Quinlan. You have had a lot of fun with him on missions. You remember the time when a female hutt was hitting on him. Quinlan obviously rejected her... But then she kidnapped him... Had a whole army hunt Quinlan down.

So you went to save him. When you stepped in the room where she kept him you saw... You don't remember what you saw, because you both used the Force to remove that memory. You can only guess what you saw and what he experienced...

You both went into a small room and saw Yoda and Windu there. Here you'll be assigned a unit. You already knew, who you want... You wanted Sinister as your commander definitely. You searched it up and he was available.

After an hour of searching for options you had 2 choices. Either you and Sinister will be assigned as General and Commander to 421st battalion or you'll be both be assigned to an experimental smaller unit.

You chose the second one... 'So awesome... I can choose the armor color myself (Both clone and your armor. Finally i can get rid of those brown Jedi robes that look like dirt...or something worse.'
(you can see the armors in bio)

You thought as you made your way to your clone unit quarters.

Sinister: Hello General!

He said saluting. He looks badass though. He has medium length black hair and a black beard. There is a rumor that he once killed a seperatist commander (human) with nothing, but a pen...
He kind of reminds you of someone...

Y/N: Hello Commander.

You saluted as well and made your way towards your new clone unit quarters. You even got to name the unit. Task Force 66.

You stepped in and saw about around 20 clones admiring their new armor.

Y/N: Hello soldiers!

You are now finally the leader of Task Force 66. You're now a Jedi knight... But this is just the beginning...

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