21. The return of the poly

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Naruto p.o.v

The book had been found. It turned out it was a lot thicker than Naruto had imagined. A whole lot thicker. Thicker than the bible, he meant. Thicker than Star Butterfly's book of spells. Thicker than-

Well, the length of the book didn't matter anyway, because he wouldn't have to read it. Better said, no one could read the book, and they were fucking stuck again.

The book was written in another language, one that looked completely different from anything Naruto had ever seen before. Sasuke was smart and prestigious so he knew some other languages.

"Is that... German maybe?" Sakura asked, looking at him with the shiniest eyes in all the land.

"It's definitely not German. They use the Roman alphabet"

"What other languages do you know Sasuke?" She purred at him, sliding closer while Sasuke's eyes refused to leave the manuscript.

Naruto felt a pang in his chest, and decided to turn around and pretend to look at the other books.

"Well, I know English, and Chinese, a bit of Arab, and Spanish, and Portuguese of course."

"That is   s o   h o t" she grinned, drifting even closer, like she couldn't help herself.

Naruto knew how magnetic Sasuke was - most of the time he was also flowing in all his waves of charm - but right now he was just angry.

He lightly hit his head on the bookshelf, trying to rid himself of the feeling. This was what he wanted wasn't it? For Sakura to be happy, which meant she had to have Sasuke. And Sasuke could be happy with her too, happier than he could be with any boy. She could make him happy, and wouldn't throw him into a life of street gossip and prejudice from strangers.

"Tell me more about those languages!" she cooed, laying her head on Sasuke's shoulder. Naruto hit his head harder, this time making a small noise.

Sasuke got up, causing Sakura to almost fall over.

"Are you ok Naruto?" he asked.

"I'm ok"

"You are?"

"I am" he nodded, turning away and going to talk to Kakashi.

"So what do we do now?" Naruto asked him, determined to focus on the mission and nothing else.

"Does anyone here know someone who can decipher ancient scripts? Multiple, because we don't know which one this is"

Sakura looked at Sasuke to make sure he was watching, and then put her hand up like an eager schoolgirl.


"Richard is a total old language nerd"


"Beatrix's strange boyfriend" Ito stepped in, rolling his eyes.

"You don't like him?" Sakura quavered, defensive.

"I really don't. I'm not jealous of him and my wife, don't get me wrong, it's just that he's so weird! The whole thing is just bizarre. He's always sleeping with other people. He's a total flirt, I even dare say he tried to me sleep with me once! Sometimes this makes Beatrix sad, but what's strange is sometimes it makes her very happy. Sometimes they even- well it doesn't matter, I shouldn't be talking about my wife's personal life to all of you. He just annoys me that's all. But I'll admit he's good when it comes to languages"

By the end of all that, Sakura was looking as red as as an apple. A red apple of course.

"Should we call them?" she suggested quickly.

"Well, seeing as I don't think we have another option, yes. Let's go back home, we deserve some sleep. I'll bring the book."


Naruto spent the night in his cold bed all alone. He tried not to think about Sasuke, but it was in vain. He was becoming like one of those annoying girls at the village: 'Sasuke this' and 'Sasuke that' was all they said, and now it was all he thought. He had officially asked him to be his boyfriend, what a dream!

But he couldn't except, not now anyway.

By the time he had almost fallen asleep, he heard the most awful noises from downstairs. Beatrix and Richard had certainly arrived. 

"Ughhhhhhhhh" he sighed out loud, throwing a pillow over his face. 

"This is just not possible! where did these idiots learn their manners??" 

He was fed up, so decided it was time to go down and complain. 

Naruto ran down the stairs, making sure to make as much noise as possible to alert them, so they would stop whatever freaky shit they were up to before he got to the last step. 

"You guys!!" he shouted, looking at them laying barely dressed on the kitchen counter. 

"Oh hi Naruto!" Beatrix simply mused, not seeming bothered in the least. 

"Just shut up!! you're making bad ambience!"

She got up and out of the counter, laughing while holding on to her stomach. 

"You're one to talk!"

"What do you mean?" He questioned with his usual attitude.

"Oh! Do you not remember the ambience you left at my house??"


"Joseph is not the only ninja living under that roof! We know what you did, you disgusting shit. He's going to have a talk with you about that incident tomorrow."

"Hey watch how you talk to me! I'm to be the next Hokage of the leaf village!!! Wait. Tomorrow???? Did you bring him???"

"Well of course!"


Not that half assed chicken faced perverted gorilla! How dare he show up? Did he not know that Sasuke belonged to him now? Well to be fair he probably didn't. And Sasuke was actually Sakura's, he had to keep reminding himself of that. 

Beatrix and Richard just looked at him blankly, as if trying to figure out why the hell he was putting on such a show. So they didn't know everything, he guessed. 

"Well- you guys should get some sleep, you'll have a lot of translation to do tomorrow Richard! Don't let this woman distract you!"

Richard laughed, getting up and laying his hand on Beatrix's ass softly. 

"I've already done that! And I'd say I'm the one distracting her" he kissed her cheek. 

A m a z i n g. He wouldn't sleep a wink at this rate. 

"Whatever. Just shut up or I'll burn the house down with you two inside. Let me sleep"

He stumbled up the stairs angrily and was out to shove his room's door, when a conversation somewhere caught his attention. 

"So there's our solution"

"Well yes, but we won't be able to make it work...We don't have those levels of chakra"

"I'm sure we can find something that could lend us that power! Like a magic stone or a sacred necklace. Do you know any artifact that could do this?"

"I'm afraid not my love"

Another voice joined the conversation. A voice that he hated. 

"Father, I know how we can get all that Chakra"

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