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[Gore Warning]

(Blaza PoV)

Vizor was distracted by the loss of Dawn for a very short time, but it was long enough for me to break free from the vine-like tentacles holding me to the ground. I quickly stepped into the cover of darkness as to not be seen.

Silently, I crept along the edge of the shadows, towards where Vizor stood. If I knocked him out of control, maybe I could find a way to force him out of my subconscious. Can't Dusk, like, kill ghosts or something? Like he did with that other ghost when he killed Oompa? That'd be pretty useful in here.

While I was deep in my thoughts, Vizor must have noticed my absence. The demon growled in frustration before looking around the empty void, searching for where I had disappeared to.

"You can't hide forever," Vizor called out. I quickly backed deeper into the cover of darkness, attempting to breath quietly.

After a minute or two of looking around, Vizor simply growled and resumed his focus on whatever he was doing in the physical world.

This might be my chance.


(Dusk PoV)

Blizor's eyes turned to tiny hollow circles as he glared at us, his anger breaking through any and all other emotions.

Which scared me. A lot. Let's just say, I've never been very fond of my father when he gets mad.

"So," he growled. His voice sounded like it was something from the very depths of hell. "Who's ready to die?"

I growled, and stood up, flaring my wings in front of the small group of humans (plus Luci, who was recovering) behind me.

"I'm going to give you five seconds to get the hell out of here," I said, "before I decide I'm through with your existence."

Blizor just sighed, and crossed his arms. "And I thought you already were."

His knowing smirk just added to my infuriation.

I was done with this.

"Screw it."

I felt a sudden sensation in my back as four tentacles grew, waving at the corners of my vision. Blizor just chuckled.

"So I see you've finally shown your true form at your own will," he said, "If I didn't currently despise you, I'd be proud."

I shrugged. "So be it."

As we were talking, I noticed Blizor attempting to sneak one of his tentacles behind me as to stab me. I quickly summoned my scythe to my hand and brought the sharp blade down upon his tentacle. Blizor screeched in pain as it cut through, slicing his tentacle in half.

Although that must have done something beyond just cutting his tentacle off. Because for a split second, the black parts of his eyes flashed back to their normal white.

It's helping Blaza take back control.

I just need to distract Vizor long enough for Blaza to knock him out of control.

In a few seconds, I ran over my strategy in my head before saying,

"Just what do you want to achieve from this? What made you like this?"

Something flashed in Blizor's eyes. Was that... regret?

That wasn't even supposed to be a legit question, but now I'm curious.

Broken Symmetry (NTB Book 2) (A Socksfor1 AU)Where stories live. Discover now