An Eye for an Eye... Or Two

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TW: Lots of Gore description

(????? POV)

I woke with a start in the middle of the night.

I slowly stood up, my limbs stiff from sleep. I think. I looked to my right and hissed with annoyance as I saw some crystals growing up my tentacles. Bint. Maybe I should have found a better host. The crystals also grew up my left arm and one of my legs, as well as my right shoulder. You'd think it would spread from where the seed landed, but the infection is pretty unpredictable in reality.

I silently opened the door and slipped into the moon-bathed corridor outside. I couldn't see it, but I sensed that Wronix was going rise again in maybe an hour. Better get this over with quickly, I'm not waiting another night.

I swiftly darted down the hall and found the room I was looking for. Opening the door without a sound, I ducked inside and set my eyes on my planned victim.

The sleeping hybrid didn't stir until a came closer. I stepped on a creaky floorboard, and he blinked his eyes open. I froze.

The hybrid rubbed his eyes groggily. "Oh, hey t-"

I didn't let him finish his sentence. I quickly darted forward and silently snapped his neck with a sickly, yet satisfying crunch. The hybrid flopped back down on the bed, limp and lifeless, and some blood trickled from where the bone pierced his skin. 

But it wasn't enough. Being dead was one thing. Akik could revive this.

I needed to make this messy.

I took one look and noticed that one horn was half broken. Guess it never grew back. I smiled and yanked on the other one, snapping it off and dropping it on the ground. I looked at my clawed, crystal-entombed hand and quickly dug it across his neck. Blood spilled from the wound, and the hybrid's eyes rolled up into his head.

Still, I felt as if something was missing.

I grabbed a hold of one of his yellow, feathered wings and tore it off of its bone with a snap. I did the same with the other. I was covered in blood at this point, but I loved the feeling. Like an adrenaline rush I never wanted to stop. 

After maybe tearing some more flesh away, revealing a bone in his arm, I stood back and looked at my handiwork. I was proud of myself.

Yet there was a thing or two missing from the picture.

I consulted my "inner clock" thing that we all seem to have and smiled.

I got time for maybe a thing or two more.



I was up all night again, so I decided to take a walk. My wandering brought me wandering aimlessly in the hallways, looking for something interesting that I hadn't already seen. I've been here for maybe a few months on Earth, but here it's been, what, two years? 

Sometimes I hate time changes.

I was walking past Joocie's room when I thought I heard a noise. Something thumped on the floor, and I also heard scraping sounds. Over and over, the same sounds. Thump, scrape. Thump, scrape. Then a really long scrape.

I warily approached the door, chilled to the bone as the scraping continued. I pressed the button next to the door and it silently slid open, revealing the dark room.

Where, sitting in the corner, was Joocie's dead body.

The morbid sight nearly gave me a panic attack and then some. Both of his wings had been torn off, as with his horns. His neck was bent at an unnatural angle, and was spilling blood over his chest. I could see bone in a torn part of his arm, standing out against the red, flowing blood. A bloody spot covered part of his head, and blood smeared the wall behind him. Probably the source of the scraping sound.

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