What Goes Around... Comes Around

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TW: Gore Description


I find myself messing with my scythe more and more lately. Honestly, it's starting to bother me. I normally don't enjoy weapons at all, but here I am, practicing with it just outside the complex. I guess I'm just paranoid about everything going on, with my parents still possessing Meme and Blaza and all.

I've also noticed that Oompa's been acting a bit off lately, really since we've gotten here. He's never been the nicest guy, and has hated me since I met him. But ever since we arrived, its like he hates me extra. It's not the most of my worries, but it still bothers me just a little bit.

I was just finishing up when I thought I heard voices nearby. Its not uncommon - I mean, we're not restricted to stay in the complex - but they sounded really familiar.

Reducing the scythe to the shadows it formed from, I silently walked through the light undergrowth towards the voices. Soon I came into a more cleared out area, where to figures stood talking. One of them, I could see, was Oompa. The other was surrounded by... some kind of haze that kept me from seeing them properly. I hid behind a tree and listened.

"How hard can this be?" The hazed figure questioned.

Where have I heard that voice before?

"Well, it's not like I walk around killing people for fun!" Oompa exclaimed, "I need time to think this through!"

"I thought you said you hated him, and wanted him gone!"

"And I thought you were gonna do the killing part!"

The figure sighed in frustration. "I can't affect the living world in my spectral state, it has to be you!"

"You could just possess me or something," Oompa grumbled under his breath.

"Well maybe I should!" The figure said, "You can't kill him on your own? Maybe I can give you some motivation!"

The figure advanced towards Oompa, and he quickly backed up in surprise.

"Woah, woah, wait! I was being sarcastic!" Oompa exclaimed.

"If hating Dusk isn't enough to make you want to kill him, maybe possessing you would help!"

Wait, what?

How does this guy know me, and why does he want me dead?

I slowly backed away through the undergrowth out of fear, but took a wrong step. I tripped over a large rock and fell to the ground with a painful thud that made a lot more noise than I would have liked.

"What was that?"

I heard footsteps coming for the place that I was laying, and I quickly scrambled to my feet, running in the opposite direction.

I ran for a little bit until I reached the clearing where I had been practicing earlier. I took a moment to observe my surroundings, catching my breath. I don't think Oompa followed me... or whoever that hazy figure was.

I still couldn't get over how familiar the figure's voice was. I thought about it for a while, but just shook my head.

It couldn't be him. He didn't die here, his ghost would be stranded in space.

"What are you doing here?"

I quickly whipped around to see Oompa glaring daggers at me.

I sighed. "You gave me a heart attack, don't do that!"

"Too bad it was a metaphorical heart attack," Oompa said, "It'd make my job a bit easier."

"Don't talk like I don't know what you mean, because I saw you talking in the woods earlier."

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