Dream-onic Control

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(TW: Lots of Blood/Gore Description)


I woke up randomly in the night, and I found myself curled up next to Akik on his bed, his angel wing draped over me like a blanket. Apparently he had flown us both back to the complex after I had fallen asleep. I was awake, but I didn't want to get up. Something about being next to Akik... just made me want to be with him forever.

So I didn't get up. I stayed there and laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. Its soft, steady beating soon lulled me to sleep once more.


I was back in the dark, empty space. I've dubbed it as the Void, since I didn't actually know where it was. Maybe somewhere in my subconscious.

Maybe twenty or so yards in front of me, Akik stood. Not the one that randomly pops up and is made of light or something, but actual Akik.

"Akik!" I called.

Akik turned and smiled at me.

Suddenly, Akik fell to his knees. He choked, and coughed up blood on the ground.

My breathing quickened. I tried to run forward, but it was as if my feet had melted into the ground. I tried to reach out, but an invisible wall seemed to keep me back.

"Akik! It's okay, I'm coming to help!" I called, tears edging my vision as I pounded on the unseen force pushing me back.

Akik shakily looked up at me, blood dribbling from his mouth. His eyes seemed distant, and had a sort of glassy look to them. He pushed himself to his feet and slowly tried to make his way to me, but was stopped in his tracks.

When an ebony-colored blade pierced his chest.

Akik sputtered, and looked at the blade in his chest, his eyes wide with fear. He looked back up at me, and mouthed something to me that I couldn't hear.

Before falling to the ground, the blade sticking out of his back.

And standing behind him, smiling in evil satisfaction, was Vizor.

A billion emotions seemed to rush out of me at once. Anger. Fear. Sadness. Despair. I wanted to scream at Vizor, kill him, murder him until there wasn't anything left of him.

But instead, I just fell to my knees, staring at Akik's lifeless body on the ground. I curled up, and just cried on the ground.



I cried out as I woke with a start. Tears still brimmed my vision. I looked to my right, and sighed with relief as I saw Akik still laying there. He was blinking awake slowly.

"Blaza?" He muttered, "Are you okay?"

I sighed. "Yeah. Just a... really bad dream."

Akik sat up and wrapped his wing around me. I dug my face into his chest and cried.

"It's okay. It was just a dream. Probably Vizor trying to control you. Don't cave in," Akik whispered.

We sat there for maybe five minutes until I calmed down. But even then, I didn't want to fall back asleep. Not if it meant going through that again.

"I... I don't wanna go back there," I stuttered, even though Akik probably didn't know what I meant.

"It's okay. You don't have to," Akik said, probably just going along with what I was saying, "I'll keep you safe."

My breathing slowed back down. Akik's voice soothed me, and I relaxed after a minute. He's right. It was just a dream. Akik won't die, he's alive, and he'll be fine.

Broken Symmetry (NTB Book 2) (A Socksfor1 AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora