Mend What is Broken

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Akik fight flinched slightly as I wrapped the cast around his broken wing. I sighed.

"Akik, you gotta stay still for this, or I'll never get this done!" I said.

"Sorry," he said.

I finally finished binding the cast after about five minutes. Akik sighed and looked at his bound wing.

"Guess I won't be flying for a while, huh?" Akik sighed.

"Yeah," I said. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Come on. Blaza's waiting outside."

Akik followed me outside to where Blaza was waiting. He stood up and walked over to us.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, it'll heal," Akik said.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I don't know-"

Akik put his hand on Blaza's shoulder. "It wasn't your fault. And it'll heal, don't worry."

"What even did happen?" I said, "It just. Happened so fast."

"Vizor's back," Akik sighed, "He never left. He's been hiding in Blaza's body for the past few months."

"Why didn't this happen earlier, then?" I questioned.

"He's probably been waiting for a good time," Akik explained.

"What do we have to do to get rid of this guy? He's basically immortal, so long as his ghost exists!" Blaza said.

"Well, it is possible to extinguish a ghost, but I think only certain species can do that," Akik said, "I might ask Dusk about that, because hangers are known to be able to do that."

"Does that mean we could get rid of Vizor?" I said hopefully.

"I mean, we'd first have to separate him from Blaza's body," he continued, "I have a friend on Xero that can do that-"

Akik stopped suddenly, realization flooding his expression. "Oh my god..."

"What is it?" I said.

"I could... I could take you guys to Xero, and we could help Blaza!" Akik exclaimed.

"But how? Your ship's totaled, and we don't even know where it is!" I said.

Akik and Blaza looked at each other knowingly.

I sighed. "Alright, what's going on between you two?"

"Let's just say that's not entirely true," Akik said.


Akik lead Blaza and I through the thicket of bushes to where it stopped and stretched into the open desert. I couldn't believe my eyes.

For in front of us was a spaceship.

"How did you-" I started, but Akik interrupted.

"What did you guys think I do in my free time?" Akik chuckled.

Blaza turned to Akik. "So, we're going to Xero?"

Akik turned and smiled. "I guess we are.

"Guess it's about time for a trip back home."


Oof short but okay

393 words

Mwhahaha Meme has no idea what I have planned for him


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