23. Time trial

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We had been on the road for about half an hour and Phil was still driving. Far, farther and farther from the house, to the point that I no longer had any idea where we were.

MC: Don't you think it's enough?

Phil: Your hacker friend was very specific, I'm just following his instructions.

MC: Yes, but don't overdo it. The further away we go, the more difficult it will be for them to rejoin us.

Phil: Don't worry, MC, I know what I'm doing.

I looked back to check on Jessy, who had been silent the whole time, which worried me more and more. She didn't want to talk to anyone and we respected her decision, but her face was still so sad that she sometimes managed to scare me. I was hoping that at some point she would calm down and let me explain what Richy and I had talked about, so I kept quiet and told myself it was best to leave her alone for now.

I was looking out the window when my phone vibrated with a message:


Jake: Hello, MC.

MC: Jake! 🙂

MC: Have you arrived yet? It's everything ok?

Jake: We are fine :)

Jake: And no, we have not yet arrived, there is still some way to go.

Jake: But I write for another reason. I have a favor to ask you.

MC: Sure, what do you need?

Jake: I want you to leave Duskwood if you still have not heard from me tomorrow morning.

What is this crazy man saying now?!

Jake: Promise me you will.

MC: No way, Jake, I won't do that.

Jake: Things can go wrong, MC, that's a possibility we can not rule out.

Jake: If that happens I don't want you to be in Duskwood.

MC: I told you no.

Jake: MC, please.

MC: No.

Jake: Are you seriously not going to listen to me?

MC: Not if it's to ask me to leave you behind, or you or anyone else. I will not do it.

Jake: MC...

MC: Jake, if tomorrow morning we haven't heard from you as you say, I'll go find you myself.

Jake: What?

Jake: Don't joke about that, I beg you.

MC: I'm not joking.

Jake: MC...

MC: There's no way I'm leaving my friends after everything we've been through. Is that clear to you?

He didn't answer.

MC: I'll repeat my question, Jake: Is that clear to you?

It still took a few seconds to write, but finally, his answer came:

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