12. It's time to talk

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Gabe and I stood there, watching as Jake disappeared into the shadows that were already beginning to appear as night approached. We knew there was no other way to find out what had happened to Jessy, but I was scared to death that something would happen to them.

Jake hadn't let me go with him by saying that the kidnapper probably knew my face too, and that made me feel so helpless that I couldn't keep calm. As much as I tried to reason with him, there was no convincing him, and his insistence on keeping me away from everything was making me lose my cool again.

I was pacing the room nonstop, grumbling and wanting to find the bastard who had kidnapped my friends to make him pay.

Gabe: Hey, you're going to dig a ditch in the ground if you keep this up. Sit here and relax a bit, nothing will happen to them.

I turned to him and saw that he was looking at me with amusement, which calmed me down a bit. Gabe knew Jake very well, and if he wasn't worried it was because he knew there was no reason, right?

Gabe: Jake knows how to take care of himself, you can rest easy. And Jessy probably went to see her brother because... well, you know how she is about that. Knowing that he is free is too much for her to sit still. She must have gone to make sure he's okay.

MC: Yeah, maybe you're right, but I can't stop thinking about what happened to the others in the hut, this sounds a lot like that. And you were also worried a while ago, what has changed?

Gabe: Well, that exactly: knowing where Jessy went.

MC: But she hung up the phone on us and then turned it off...

Gabe: What do you think you'd have said to her if she answered you?

MC: I don't know, and that doesn't matter... how did she come up with going out like that? She knows that this is dangerous and that this guy may be watching her, he said that, why is she putting herself at risk like that? Also, leave without saying anything? Take the car? What was she thinking?

Gabe smiled even more:

Gabe: Do you realize that you're acting exactly how you don't want me and Jake to act towards you? Now think about how you react when we tell you that you can't take risks, and you'll understand why Jessy didn't say anything, hahaha...

I looked at him wanting to kill him and crossed my arms... he was right. Shit.

Gabe: Come on, calm down already, everything will be fine.

MC: And what do I do in the meantime? I have to occupy my head or I'm going to go crazy.

Gabe: We can talk for a while. Last night you told me you wanted to talk to me, I think this is a good time, maybe that will help you think of something else.

I automatically petrified, I didn't know what was worse.

Gabe: So...?

Suddenly all my anger flew away to give way to fear. Since I found out about my mistake, it was clear to me that I had to face the problem and be honest with him, but I couldn't deny that I was terrified. What if I hurt him? I wasn't so sure I was capable of doing it anymore.

Gabe noticed my change in attitude and stared at me, causing me to look down, unable to meet his face.

MC: Yes... it's just...

How do you manage to say something like that? I didn't know how or where to start. I panicked: what if he didn't understand me? What if he thought I had been playing with him? He would be within his rights, and the thought of losing his friendship broke my heart. I lowered my eyes even more, trying to find the words, but I didn't have to say anything:

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