3. Decision time

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I could barely sleep. I had terrible pain in my back, under my ribs, maybe from sitting for too many hours the day before, who knows. On the other hand, the thought of losing more of my friends had me in a constant state of shock.

What if the attacker returns? What if he finds them off guard and hurts them? From the first moment, they have been taking risks and this nightmare doesn't seem to have an end. They have been attacked, they have been threatened, they have run into that madman face-to-face more than once, and in the meantime, what have I done? I've been here, in the safety of my home, miles from danger. It's not fair to them. And as for what Jake told me...

The sound of a notification brought me out of my thoughts. I looked at the screen: Alan Bloomgate, the Duskwood Police Chief again.

Alan: Good morning, I hope you were able to see my previous messages. We really need to speak with you regarding the Amy Bell Lewis and Hannah Donfort case. Your testimony can give us important clues to find Hannah. Furthermore, we know that Phillip Hawkins has been in contact with you, and he claims that you can prove his innocence. If so, will you leave an innocent man in jail?

That last one was a low blow. The Chief was trying to manipulate me, that was clear, but what if he had a point? However, I had no idea how I could help Phil. Maybe it would be a good idea to go visit him... and by the way, wasn't Ted Madruga in the same penitentiary? It could be a two-for-one. 

I decided to talk to Jake right away.

MC: Jake?


Jake: Hello, MC.

MC: That Alan Bloomgate wrote again.

Jake: Yes, I saw it. Don't answer him, please.

MC: I won't, but I'm not writing about that. I'm thinking of visiting Phil, and maybe Ted Madruga in the process?

Jake started writing, then deleted everything and went offline. I instantly saw that he was calling me and I couldn't help but smile. I liked this new phase of real conversation and intimacy where I could actually hear him, the real Jake. However, when I took the call his voice sounded so cold that he almost scared me:

Jake: You are not serious, are you?

MC: I really think it's a good idea, Jake.

Jake: It is not.

MC: Listen, Phil says that I can prove his innocence, and although I have no idea how to do it, it's clear that his arrest is related to our case. Maybe we'll discover something new, who knows?

Jake: No. His sister can do it.

MC: But he didn't call Jessy, he called me. That must mean something.

He snorted at this statement but said nothing. He was silent for a long time, while I tried to make him understand what was going through my mind:

MC: I know you don't like him, but I refuse to sit idly by knowing that there's something I can do. This is not about you or me, this is about finding Hannah and Richy. So whether you like it or not, I'm going to ask the penitentiary for permission to visit him, and I'll try to talk to Ted Madruga as well.

Jake: Doing that means going to Duskwood, and you promised me you wouldn't.

MC: I know, and I'm sorry, but it's the only way I can help right now.

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