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Hello family! I haven't updated this story lately because I wanted to play Episode 10 before, in fact, I already had chapter 21 ready to publish when I found out that the Episode would come out, and that's why I preferred to wait, I didn't want my solution to resemble the actual ending of the game, that would be very disrespectful to you and the wonderful story that Everbyte created for us.

Anyway, unfortunately I had to restart the game and start from scratch, and it wasn't until now (until exactly five minutes ago) that I finished it completely... I can only say WOW!

The good thing about all this is that I have fallen even more in love with Duskwood if possible, the bad thing is that I will have to change several parts of my story (of those that are on the way, not of those that are already published) since some of the solutions that I had written for the following chapters are similar (some even the same) to what I just saw in the game. Who'd say?! 😳

I will have to change some things in chapter 21, and many others in the following ones, since I already had their drafts ready and I only needed to finish them off. I hope not to take too long, although it will be difficult for me to imagine new scenarios or solutions when I already had them outlined and when I have also seen some of them in the real game.

I will try anyway not to replicate anything that is important, and I will try to do everything in the shortest time possible to continue sharing with you, please bear with me.

And that was it, it only remains for me to tell you that I really enjoyed Episode 10 and was blown away by the work of the actors, the script, the visual resources... and yes, I admit I cried a lot (yes, I'm like that hehe 😏). I hope you liked it as much as I did, although in the end I only had one question left that the game didn't answer: why do they send our phone number? It's what starts everything and I didn't get an answer... or maybe they said it and I didn't get it... 🤔

Anyway, thanks again for being there, see you very soon! ❤️

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