Soulmate's Mark (Scarian - Fluff)

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Ok, I literally started this at 2 am and just wanted it to be a short draft but I got carried away, and I actually don't even know anymore.

How do people make good plots I swear-

Soulmate Au notes - It's the one where you and your soulmate get a matching tattoo in the same area.

AU- Soulmates AU + Irl AU (But potions and that stuff still exist)

Type - Fluff

Ship - Scarian (Scar x Grian)

TW - None (Unless a piercing gun counts?)

WC ~2500


Grian watched as Scar try to bargain his way into a free coffee, not knowing this was Scar's plan before when he texted, 'Let's go get a drink together!'.

He watched as Scar argued with the poor worker, and sighed. His head rested on his hand as he thought about what exactly brought him to like Scar. Not best friends type of like either, it was as in crushes.

"What do you mean I'm kicked out of the store?" Scar exclaimed suddenly, jump scaring Grian.

Glancing over, the cashier seemed to make a hand gesture that signalled for Scar to get out, saying something just out of earshot.

The blond mentally sighed, dragging himself out of his seat. Honestly, he was kind of curious about Scar's trail of thinking that led to this.

Scar turned around and grumpily walked away. "Fine, I'll leave, but just know that you're losing a very valuable trade here! I-"

Grian, who had just joined Scar, smacked him on the back of his head, causing Scar to immediately shut up. He looked at the other with a confused look, as if to say 'When did you ever get here?'

He dragged Scar out of the cafe, apologizing. "Sorry! We'll get going now!" He told the cashier, as he was the one often apologizing for Scar's actions. They gave him an 'it's okay' type of look, then went back to taking people's orders. 

Once both of them were safely out of the cafe, and more importantly, out of earshot, Grian questioned Scar. "Scar, why are you banned from that cafe?" 

"Well, I just thought that maybe if I sold them my magical crystals, which by the way, they should  have taken, they would've given me a free drink, y'know?" Scar tried to reason, looking at Grian with seemingly innocent eyes. 

Grian tried to repress the thought of how magical crystals may sound to someone who didn't know exactly what they were. Especially that random cashier, who looked like they were in high school. 

He was subconsciously smiling at the thought. He faced away from Scar, looking around the plaza for anywhere else to go.

"Well, it looks like there's an arcade over there," Grian states to Scar. He vaguely gestured towards it.

It was hard not to miss it, especially with the bright neon signs and lights. Plus, Grian had been there enough to know that it was a really good way to waste time and money. Like a casino for kids.

Scar flipped around upon hearing the word arcade. "Really? Can we go? Please?" He begs, hands clasped together. His eyes were shining hopefully.

Grian chuckled. "Sure," He agreed, not really in the mood to ask if he's even got money or not.

Scar, out of nowhere, grabbed Grian's arm and started running towards the arcade, No heads up or anything.

"Wait wait no- WoAAHH," Grian exclaimed, taken by surprise. He barely kept his balance, trying not to fall on the rough pavement.

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