Comfort (Grumbo - Hurt/Comfort)

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So uh... I've got motivation but no ideas, so have this *Proceeds to throw half-formed ideas at you*

Lol after writing this I realized it's a total mess, like... there are like 3 different main points here, and they're so different, like who let me write this?

Type - Hurt/Comfort (More comfort, less hurt)

Ship - Grumbo (Grian x Mumbo)

TW - Panic attacks/flashbacks, a bit of gore

Wordcount - 837


Grian stared at the bloodied feathers that lay in his hands.

 He stroked them, as another pull on his wings made him jerk backwards. They were laughing like this was a game, while he cried, tears making their way down to his chin. Why did he ever think to trust them? He should have never trusted anyone. 

Grian tucked his head into his chest when another tug could be felt at his wings. He screamed as a blade cut through the feathers, as they giggled at his misery. 

The weight from his back was lifted but at the cost of losing his beloved wings. He felt the warm blood drop down his back while he-


A soft voice pulled Grian from his mind, finding that he was completely safe.


The moonlight reflected against the shiny suit he was wearing, as the breeze flickered through his hair. 

Mumbo strolled around Grian's base. In his hands held a small gift, about the size of his palm. He subconsciously played around with the bow on the top. He was beginning to doubt if Grian would even like the gift. 

He quickly shoved those thoughts away into the back of his mind. Who am I kidding, of course, he'll enjoy it.

Mumbo had a huge crush on Grian and typically would send him small gifts daily. Things like painted rocks, a flower petal, stuff like that Grian thought of these as a way to symbolize their friendship, so he didn't think much of it. This gift though was different. 

He walked up to the mansion, which looked quite intimidating in the night. He was just planning to leave the present on Grian's nightstand, and fly away, but then he heard a faint sob. 

At first, Mumbo denied what he heard. I'm sure it's nothing, I just need some sleep, that's all. He shook his head and went straight through the entrance, flying through the hall. No doubt, he heard it again. 

He went straight to the bedroom door, which he was planning to go anyway, and slowly opened the door. It made an uncomfortable squeak, but it seemed Grian was too occupied to notice. Suddenly Grian screamed. Not too loudly, but still very concerning. 

Mumbo didn't know whether to pat him on the shoulder, to shake him out of his thoughts, or to just leave him be. 



Grian raised his head and locked eyes with Mumbo. Mumbo walked towards Grian and sat down beside him. He stayed silent while fiddling with something in his hands, but when Grian tried to get a closer look, Mumbo put it in his pocket. 

"So, uh... wanna talk about it?" Mumbo asked. Grian noticed how Mumbo's voice quavered a bit, but not sure why. 

Grian's words were spoken so quietly, that even he wasn't even sure he was speaking. 

"... So it's about my wings-" "Your elytra?" Mumbo blurted out, then clapped his hands over his mouth just as suddenly as he's said that. 

"Sorry, go on" 

"you know how Watchers have wings... right?"

 Mumbo nodded and waited for Grian to go on, surprised that he was a Watcher. "Back on another server, I- I told them, an-and-" He tried to hold back his tears. 

Mumbo put his hand over Grian's and lightly squeezed it. "It's ok, you don't have to tell me, wanna do something else?" He wiped his tears and nodded, slowly following Mumbo as he got up. 


Mumbo slowly walked along the shoreline, staring off into the distance, while Grian trailed behind him. They sat down near a small campfire that had once been lit but was now just pieces of charcoal and ash. None of them said anything for a few moments, admiring the view. 

Mumbo had at this point realized he was holding hands with Grian, but he enjoyed it, so why stop? Grian didn't seem to mind. He tilted towards Grian slightly, and Grian leaned into Mumbo. 

Gosh, this is romantic.  Mumbo thought to himself. The waves rippled lightly as a soft breeze hit the water as the leaves rustled in the background. Soon, you could hear quiet snores from Grian. 

Mumbo sighed. Well, I won't stay here for an entire night. He stood up and lifted Grian to carry him bridal style. He brushed a hazel tuft of hair away from Grian's face and walked back to the mansion.


Mumbo tucked Grian into bed, pulling the covers over him. He kissed Grian on his forehead because why not? He was feeling more confident after that little interaction. Heck, Grian might even like him! Well, that was a bit hopeful, but y'know, you can always hope. 

He was just about to leave when he remembered the gift. He took the box out of his pocket and took a glimpse into it. 

He grinned and sighed as he clicked the lid shut. He placed the present onto Grian's nightstand. He looked at Grian, and then his watch. 12:15 am

Mumbo smiled, then whispered

"Happy birthday Grian"

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