A Wither Fight (Hex - Fluff)

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Like all my other oneshots, this is a mess. Also, not proofread.

Type - Fluff?

Ship - Hex (Helsknight and EvilXisuma)

TW - Very mild swearing, and a bit of gore, but not heavily mentioned.

WC - ~850


"EX! WATCH OUT!" Hels screamed as he dived in front of him. 

His body hit the burning netherrack, as the flames around him flickered. "HELS! NO!" Ex tried to push him away, but the wither had already shot the skull. Hels was blasted back with such force he was sure to have broken one bone in his body, if not multiple. 

Ex fired back an arrow, hitting the last head off the wither. The wither disintegrated, and a nether star fell. Ex immediately turned back to Hels. He was scared that he might've died, seeing as how still and limp his body was. It also didn't help that blood and fire were everywhere. 

"Hels? You alright?" Ex nudged and rolled him over onto his back. He was relieved to hear Hels wince. Not because Hels was suffering, but because he wasn't dead. Hels managed to mumble out a small, "I'm fine", but it was not true. Ex took a good look at his injuries. Several bruises, scrapes and cuts, which wasn't surprising. There were a few huge gashes on his head and arms. 

The main concern here was probably blood loss. "Is there anyone on the server?" He opened the dashboard and wasn't surprised to see that no one was online. Just my luck, Ex thought bitterly. 

He sighed. He took off his armour and ripped up his shirt into bandage-like strips, and wrapped it around the bleeding areas. He quickly slid back on his chestplate. I've gotta thank Xisuma for those medical lectures, Ex thought to himself. 

"Hels? Can you get up?" Ex asked. Hels snapped back. "Not when I've broken every bone in my body, idiot." Ex smiled. Hels seemed to be doing just fine mentally, seeing as he's gone back to his usual snappy self. 

"Okay Hels, this might hurt," Ex warned as he slid his arms under him and picked him up bridal style. 

"Oww... You could've done that more gently y'know," Hels whined, trying to cross his arms. He didn't though, it was way too painful, given he had broken at least 5 bones.  


Every now and then, Hels would wince in pain, and Ex would stop and check if he was okay. Hels would also randomly ask questions.

"Hey, Ex?" 


"Did you get the star?" 



Ex put Hels down and started rushing back. "So you're just gonna leave me here?!" Hels exclaimed. "YEA, BECAUSE YOU'RE F^CKING HELPLESS RIGHT NOW," Ex yelled from across the land. Hels huffed. He leaned against the nether wall and watched the lava bubble.

How dare he call me helpless? Well... it was true, but really? He started thinking about what just happened. He replayed it all in his mind. There was the wither blast, and after that, he was basically blinded by pain.

Definitely not worth it.  

Why did he protect Ex in the first place? His cheeks gained a light dusting of pink as he thought about it. No, he could never feel love. It's impossible to when you're a negative version of your brother. But even when he convinced himself that he didn't like Ex, his mind kept wandering. 

Maybe he did it because they were best friends. Were they?

What were they, in terms of a relationship? They would occasionally flirt with each other, kiss each other on the cheek, stuff like that. 

Do friends do that? He wouldn't know, Ex was his first and only friend. 

He thought about all this, which was surprisingly calming. He never had time to just sit down and think.


"Hels! I'm back!" Ex yelled, waving the nether star high up in the air. Hels seemed to have his head stuck in the clouds. "Hels?"

Ex grinned. He tiptoed beside Hels and punched him lightly in the arm. Hels jumped so violently he felt like he'd given himself a concussion. "F^ck off," Hels hissed. Ex rolled his eyes.

"What were you thinking about anyway?" He said. 

"None of your business,"

"Ok, no need to be so harsh,"

"No promises,"

"So do you want to go to your base or mine?"  Ex asked. Hels shrugged, then immediately was reminded that he can't shrug, or else it would cause him immense pain. "Your place I guess," Hels answered.

Ex set off on foot once again, almost forgetting to help get Hels back up.

Hels found it quite comforting to be carried. The swaying back and forth of Ex's steps, the hum and warmth of the nether, it was like being rocked back and forth to sleep. Hels closed his eyes, and his breathing became more rhythmic. 

Exhausted, not only physically, but also mentally, he thought a little rest won't hurt.

But right before he fell asleep completely, he thought he heard Ex whisper.

"Only if you knew, how much I love you"


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