Loneliness (Ex and Xisuma - General)

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Two updates in one day?!? Yep, this is just how I'm saying sorry after disappearing for 3 months.

Type - Idk anymore, this fanfic is pretty neutral

Ship - None

TW - None

WC - ~1000


Ex thought he liked being alone. In the void, he prayed to be alone, away from everything, the pain, the torture, the emptiness that filled his brain. 

Technically he was alone, but the void felt like a person. Maybe that's why he didn't like people.

After years of wishing to get away from the agony, he got his wish.  When the blank slate of nothingness was poured out of his brain, Ex opened his eyes in what felt like forever. He felt the sun and saw what was of the world. He cherished this. 

He got up and realized finally what this was. It was on a sign, right behind Ex.


Of course, he couldn't have anything be perfect for once. He sighed. He took a small bag filled with things, that was labelled 'Starting bag' and jumped into the ocean. Slowly making his way, he checked his communicator, where his join message hadn't even shown. 

There was also a private message from his brother, but he hadn't even bothered. He already knew it was something about him having to leave. At least he got to enjoy a bit of nature before going back. 


He finally got to land. He swam ashore onto another small island where he decided to stay. He checked his communicator one more time before he clicked on Xisuma's message, well, messages. No use in building a base if you have to leave.

Xisuma: Hello

Xisuma: How are you?

Xisuma: I missed you a lot

Xisuma: Hope you're okay

He felt relieved when he saw that he didn't have to leave. Ex knew his brother well enough to know he was genuinely was worried for him. But Ex couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't accepted anymore by the community. He liked to be alone anyway. He typed back.

Xeno: Doing good

Oh. He'd forgotten his name was Xeno. No one called him that though, not even the void. It was somehow worse than Ex, which pretty much stands for Evil Xisuma. 

Before long, it was sunset. He'd mined out a small cave, where he hid for the rest of the night. The cave was small, but not at all cozy, in fact, kind of cold. The thin blanket and the single torch did practically nothing, but he was used to worse things. He soon fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

The first few weeks, he had established a few things. He sort of talked to his brother, though it was very one-sided. Ex also built a not too shabby hut, a farm, a reliable water source, and it was going great so far. Everything seemed to be working out.

Except when he realized he couldn't speak. Well, maybe he was exaggerating, but his vocal cords were so rarely used that when he tried to speak, it had a weird raspy effect. But he could live with that. 

Of course, Xisuma eventually had to tell them about Ex when Tango had accidentally stumbled upon his base, which wasn't ideal, but at least the hermits knew to stay away. Everyone seemed a lot more cautious of the mountains, which before Tango found him, hermits would go to some other part of the mountains and mine. There even were farms there.

Over time, he started to feel a strange type of feeling. It wasn't contented, it wasn't pain, and it wasn't anger. Basically the only emotions he felt. It felt, a bit empty. Not the kind of emptiness the void handled, it just felt like something was missing. Like he longed for something but didn't know what.

Whatever this feeling was, he wanted it gone. He didn't like the idea of not knowing what he was feeling when it was his own body that created it.


Xisuma was calling,  which made sense because the calls were monthly. Ex clicked to accept and Xisuma's voice came over. 

"Hello! How are you doing today?"

"I'm fine,"

"As always, the shopping district has been doing ok, though someone keeps hiding creepers underground." 

Ex giggled. It sounded like something he would do.

"Hey! Don't laugh, it's terrifying to be strolling around at night and just hear a creeper under you!"


Xisuma talked for a while. He talked about his future build plans, ongoing challenges and games, etc. The call soon came to an end.

"Anyway, I need to leave now, so anything you want to say?"


"Ok then, bye!" Xisuma said.

Ex clicked the end call button and laid back down on his bed. He imagined what it would be like if he didn't do that in season 5. Who knows. He got back up to work again, like he did yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that... Wow. How boring.

It was about 2 weeks later when that feeling of missing something came back. That emptiness. It felt... lonely. But why? Weren't people just as bad? I guess I could ask Xisuma about it... He does seem to know everything.

He picked up his communicator and pressed the call button next to Xisuma's name.

"Ex? What happened?" Xisuma asked. Ex never called, so he thought this was some sort of emergency.

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask you something," Ex replied.

"Oh! Er, what is it?" 

"Uh, It's sorta dumb, promise not to laugh?"

"Why would I laugh?"

"Fair point,"

"So, what's your question?"

"Why do I feel lonely?"

Xisuma paused. Ex thought he'd made a huge mistake.

"Sorry, sorry, it's an idiotic question, I shouldn't have asked," Ex tried to apologize.

"No, no it's not that, aren't you lonely because you never interact with people?" Xisuma said, for not interacting with the world will cause a bit of loneliness.

"But aren't people just as bad?" 

"...What do you mean?"

Ex explained about the void and how he wished to be left alone.

"Oh... Ex, I'm so sorry" Xisuma felt so bad.

Ex scoffed, "It's fine," 

"Well, you're lonely because it's just human nature. We as people are social beings, some are more social than others, but we all need some type of interaction with society." Xisuma explained, completely unprompted.

Ex brought up another point, "The last time I interacted with society it got me banned," 

"Last I checked, you blew up bases, not interact with society. You also should meet people more like yourself" Xisuma counter-argued.

Ex rolled his eyes "Last time I checked, there isn't anyone that's evil like me."

"You should meet Hels then," Xisuma offered

"Who's Hels?"

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