Moving Forwards (Grumbo) (Rewrite of Comfort)

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Well, it's been a fair while since I've done a Grian oneshot  (Well, it's been a fair while since I've done any oneshot-)  so I decided to take the other Grumbo oneshot I did (Comfort) and redo it.

I basically took my other oneshot and took out parts I liked, then put them all together. Along with some new things.

Type - Hurt/Comfort

Ship - Grumbo (Grian x Mumbo)

TW - PTSD? (I dunno if that's the right term, sorry in advance!)

WC - ~850


Grian sat beside his bed, hugging his shaking body. His body rocked back and forth subconsciously. 

He squeezed his eyes tight, unaware of the explosion of rockets outside, or the mansion doors creaking open.

Whispering, Grian pleaded for the horrible thoughts to go away. Taurtis, Sam, The Watchers, it was all too much to unravel. The memories replayed in his head like a video on repeat.

"It's not your fault, it's not your fault..." Grian tried to convince himself. His hands tightened around his legs. The voices stated otherwise. 

The same singsong voice ringed in his ears, mocking him. 

Every night it happened. It was always a blur how he remembered. But despite that, it still happened. The memories, the voices, and Grian sitting there, feeling hopeless.

The voices grew louder, and louder, and louder. It was louder than anything else in his mind. Grian wasn't sure he could handle this anymore.

Another voice spoke amidst the rest. A different one.


Everything else went silent. The voices stopped.

"Are you... okay?" 

Grian looked up. His gaze locked onto Mumbo, who was standing in front of Grian.

The shorter rubbed his eyes and took a second look. There was no mistaking him, it was Mumbo.  

"M-Mumbo?" Grian's voice cracked. Why was he here? 

Mumbo sat down beside him. "Yea Grian, it's me," He wrapped a hand around Grian.

Grian leaned into his arm, only now realizing how cold he was. He pulled a blanket from his bed to the ground. Pulling the blanket over them, he noticed Mumbo fidgeting with his right pocket.

Before Grian could ask, Mumbo asked another question. 

"Hey, about earlier... d'you want to talk about it?" 

Grian shifted uncomfortably. "Oh..." He looked down to the ground. 

"Oh no, it's completely fine if you don't want to... y'know," Mumbo quickly interjected.

The both of them stayed silent. Somehow, the silence was louder than the actual talking. Grian just thought he should say something.

"I had a flashback." He blurted out.

Mumbo tilted his head, startled at how abrupt that was. Grian had also surprised himself. Too late to stop now.

"I had a friend, his name was Taurtis," Grian continued. He fidgeted, even more, checking his nails, and twirling his hair.

Mumbo nodded for him to go on.

"A-and there was another guy, his name w-was" Grian choked on the last words. "S-sam-" 

Grian clutched onto Mumbo. Grian trembled slightly, but enough for Mumbo to know that he didn't want to carry on. 

Mumbo rubbed circles on Grian's back, comforting him. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me,"

Grian bit back a sob. "N-no, I can-" 

Mumbo kissed Grian on the forehead. "It's okay, it's okay,"

Grian broke down once more, but his time, he let it all out. He didn't try to stop the overflow of emotions.

He felt the tears run freely down his face, dripping onto his sweater. 

This time though, when he was done all the crying, he felt good. He didn't have a pit of emptiness in his heart, or the overwhelming feeling to throw up. He felt lighter. 

And despite all this, all the mess, and all the crying, Mumbo was still there. He never stopped the steady stream of consoling phrases, or the reassuring pats and hugs.

Grian wiped away his tears. "Sorry for all this, you really didn't have to," 

Mumbo shook it off. "Well, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help you?" He smiled.

Grian nudged closer to Mumbo and leaned his head on the other's shoulder. Mumbo leaned towards the shorter. A little box poked him in the waist, causing him to sit back up. 

"Hmm?" Grian looked back up at Mumbo.

Fishing the box out of his pocket, Mumbo remembered exactly what it was. 

"This is the entire reason I came over, look," He laid the box in Grian's lap. 

Grian picked it up. The box was the size of both his hands cupped together. It was red and blue, with little white silhouettes of birds. 

"For me?" Grian asked, putting his hand on the lid. 

Mumbo nodded. "Yea, it is," His eyes flickered from Grian to the box. "You can open it now,"

"Oh, ok," Grian carefully lifted the lid off. Inside, there was a small statue of both of them. 

"What's this for?" 

Mumbo smiled. "It's our 2-month anniversary, remember?" 

"Oh yea, I forgot," Grian felt a bit guilty. "Sorry, I didn't get you anything."

"It's ok, as long as you love me," Mumbo replied. He played with the other's hair, messing it up.

Grian smiled and leaned back onto the other, admiring the figurine. 

"You know, I think it's time I move on from the past," Grian thought aloud. 

Mumbo looked affectionately at Grian. "Maybe it is, but that's your decision to make," He kissed Grian again on the head. 

Grian's heart fluttered a bit. "I think I will," 

They stayed cuddling next to each other, and very soon, both of them drifted off to sleep.

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