Finding Tubbo

693 21 20

Some backstory: Mara is 20 and like an older sister/best friend to Y/N.
TW: Suggested Abuse, Death, Gore, Blood

It's okay, I don't mind. I smiled at them, letting them know it would be okay.
They lightly lifted the tips of their mouth, letting the smallish yet concerned smile dawn upon their face.
And then we teleported.


The heat of his hand in mine comforted me going into the territory I was so afraid of. The dragon swooped down above our heads causing Ranboo to roll away and pull a bow and arrow. Settle yourself Ranboo. I have it under control. Ranboo cocked an eyebrow at me and put his bow back up.
Hey there ya big baby, why are you in such a fit this morning? My Dragon, Saphira, had come down in a big hassle, anger surrounding her. She groaned at me, signaling me she was hungry. I threw some salmon up into the air letting her show off her tricks to Ranboo. As she landed in front of me, I patted her head- smiling at the bond we had always had. It was annoying enough Dream consistently tried to kill her, and Ranboo's little stunt just now was unnecessary.

I turned around to see Ranboo's jaw dropped, and his guard did as well. Mara dropped from a pillar with her elytra, landing nearly on top of Ranboo. I wheezed and had forgotten that she often roamed about the openings of new portals to watch out for Saphira. I had also forgotten that Mara and Dream had gotten unreasonably close within the last six months of my absence. Dangit.

It wasn't like they had started dating or anything....right? Anyways that's besides the point as Dream flew in after her, placing his arm around her shoulder as she gathered herself from being in the air. She got motion sickness pretty easily, but uh- yeah. They were definitely dating.

Saphira snappily growled at Ranboo as he tried to pet her, eyes turning a darker shade of purple. The glint in her eyes told me she did not enjoy his presence yet. This was gonna be a long trip.

I am here to find a short man, with lots of TNT? Dream, its Tubbo. Dream looked confused, then Mara interpreted. "They said that they are here to find a short man, with lots of TNT. His name is Tubbo." Dream's eyes widened and he immediately pulled out a compass. He sounded really distorted, but from what I made out it sounded like "Well shit, I'll be going to find him then." Two steps and a jump and he was gone. 

Ranboo walked slowly up to Saphira, patting her softly on the wing as she flopped onto her back. Saphira, where is he? My dragon tilted her head in the direction of the Light Palace. Mara stopped me before I mounted Saphira, concern dripping through her voice. He's gotten worse. Your....father has made this kingdom unsafe for everyone. Being royalty won't get you anywhere in these cities. In fact, it may get you killed.

Saphira ruffled her scales at that, huffing smoke. Needless to say she was very overprotective of me. It's okay, I will manage. The civilians tend to give me some grace. I went to the healers in these cities, Mara. She smiled sadly at me, nodding before waving bye as Ranboo and I mounted Saphira.

I felt Ranboo's anger radiating off of him, he must've caught why I was at the healers. My father hadn't been the kindest to me as a child, and the city healers knew that. I relaxed in the wind of the ride, my hair being blown. It reminded me of when I was a child, my mothers whispers to calm me through my lonesome, mournful nights. Those were the nights I wished I were dead, that I could run away, or that I had accidentally fallen off Saphira into the void during flight practice. 

As we flew closer to the palace my heart rate increased, and I began to feel the panging in my chest that would cause the downfall of my emotional stability. "Y/N, is everything alright?" I could hear the concern in Ranboo's voice but I wouldn't let him know that I, in fact, was not okay. Yes, I'm ready to figure this out.

Saphira became restless, her flight patterns becoming stiff and unreasonable. I saw the palace from afar and I immediately adjusted my armor, making sure it protected my body securely. Ranboo, armor- now, I don't care what you think you can deal with. I don't want to lose ano- I don't want to lose you. He began shuffling around through the stuff I had spawned for him, smiling at the netherite sword I had thrown in there. You better return that alive dork, I joked as he sheathed it. Of course, wouldn't have it otherwise. 

Saphira flew into the landing pad, which had obviously not been taken care of since we had left. I teleported to the ground to get some water onto the ground so her feet wouldn't be scratched by the course stone of the unattended floor.

The palace back door pounded open, and I could see the smug look on my brother's face as his annoying voice began to disgrace the air.

"Ahh hello, sister. What a lovely sight to see you and" Ranboo stiffened.

Hmm. There is he is. The royal asshole.

HAHA GUYS I AM BACK AND ALIVE WOOO HOOOO. Also.... Brother angst??? (some parts are supposed to be italicized but i got lazy ngl sorry if it looks weird 😭)

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