Gifts and Secrets

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Tubbo ran into the house, yelling some gibberish again.

"No, no, no! It was my diamond, I saw it first!!" Anger bubbled in his voice, Tommy laughing as he came in behind him.

"Tubbo, come on! Spare me a diamond, you have tons! Ranboo always gives you them, I never get any!" This was the first time I'd heard of this Ranboo guy.

"So he's rich then?" I spoke, looking up from my studies. "Yea, why?" Tommy rubbed the bridge of his nose, sensing more questions.

"No reason. Also why are you in my house? Wilbur isn't home, but you are welcome to stay." Tubbo smiled, coming and dropping some diamonds out of his satchel.

"What the heck?! Where did you get these Tubbo, have you been stealing?" The disbelief in my voice made Tommy wheeze, apparently there was something I was missing.

Where could he have gotten these? He's not even supposed to go that deep into the mines due to him and Tommy's joy of blowing things up!

I sighed, rubbing my temples. It was either gonna be a long night, or an even longer story.

Ranboo's POV

"ITS ME, HI RANBOO!" I heard the door bust open as Tubbo excitedly runs in with Tommy. Here we go.

"Hi." The crown on my head slightly tilted, and I push it back up. I tell myself, if the crown fits, then wear it!

My crown bad been getting obnoxiously loose lately, so I guess it meant I needed to see the tailor again.

"ITS MY BIRTHDAY, RANBOO DID YOU FORGET?" His loud words echoed through the main room, my already pounding head throbbing more.

I chuckled. "No, I didn't forget. I have been sick, I apologize for not sending my regards. I do have a gift though." I called Fundy to come and bring the bag of diamonds I had effortlessly found. It's not like they were rare in my castle.

"Oh my god, Ranboo no. This many diamonds? No." Disbelief stuck on his face, Tubbo gawked at the satchel handed to him.

"Jesus, Ranboo-" Tommy's jaw dropped, and he was highly astonished as well. I had snuck some netherite in as well, but I would let Tubbo figure that out by himself.

"Thank you so much Ranboo! Would you like us to stay?" Tubbo elbowed Tommy who was still gawking at the bad.

"Oh, uh yeah! Would you like us to here for awhile?" I laughed, shaking my head. "Not today boys, but maybe another day. My head has a painful throb to it, make sure to share those! Come by any time you'd like."

They jogged out together, waving bye. I turned back to the papers I had dropped when they came in, picking them up. I walked with the massive pile of paper back to my room, wanting to discover all there was about a certain topic.

Now that the door was shut, I opened the book Philza had left on my desk for me.

The Lost Princess of the Light Enderian Kingdom....

Thank the Gods and Goddesses for people who knew where to get things.

Hi this is my second story, I've been currently on hiatus for my other one. (LOL writers block, right?)

Anyways, enjoy and make sure to take care of yourself my lovelies <3

The Enderian Prince(Origins AU)- Ranboo x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now