Lets Be Clear

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Sleep didn't comfort me. It lurked in the shadows of my room, not daring to let me relax. 

I had to.

Y/N’s POV 

The smell of something burning woke me up, and I ran towards the kitchen where Dad was chilling. "Do you smell that Dad?" His face darkens with concern.

"Y/N, have you been crying?" I realized that the burning was coming from my barely singed skin, the water painfully stinging. Dammit.

"I'm okay Dad. Don't worry. By the way, Tommy and Tubbo are going to take me to meet Ranboo today." Dad huffed. "I can't guarantee you'll like him, but yeah sure I don't mind."

Eating something small for breakfast I go and get ready. Simple clothes, along with sheathing Arachnid, some arrows, and pulling Tuuletar over my back. 

Tommy and Tubbo were already waiting for me and I smiled at the friendship that I had established between the last six months. Although I must say, the nuke obsession Tubbo had was a bit startling. 

"Come on Y/N!! You're gonna love Ranboo!" I smirked to myself. Sure I am

I jogged after Tommy and Tubbo, my breath not altering in pattern. We made our way to a cave, and it was clear Ranboo was indeed, very rich.

Tubbo took the chance and knocked on the stone, screaming “RANBOO IT IS I AGAIN!” I chuckled, glad to have friends with some sense of humor. 

A tall enderman answered coming slightly out of the vines- and I just about lost it. “Oh look its Chicken Boy and…..I-uh do I know you?” He coughed looking at me. “Mm, no. I’m Y/N, nice to meet you. Nice place by the way. Very sophisticated.” The tone in my voice hinted I didn’t think fondly of the extremely rich- they didn’t know how to work for anything if it was handed to them.

My eyes shot up to his crown, slightly tilted and glimmering with bits of emerald and diamond. His hair covered his eyes, and his ears were naturally longer- as most royalty were. “Yes, Prince Ranboo. You seem familiar I must say.” Arrogance and sarcasm rang through his words. I gritted my teeth. “Tubbo, I think we may have caught him on another bad day. I am going home, it was nice meeting you, Prince Ranboo.” 

Rolling his eyes, Ranboo walked away from the entrance- leaving it wide open. 

Tubbo laughed. What am I missing now? “No Y/N, he’s messing with you. Come on Tommy, let’s head inside.” Tommy looked up from his satchel, jogging after Tubbo’s quick pace. The roof covered in leaves, an encased garden on the wall. 

I wandered around as Tubbo gave me instruction not to go too far, and he was sure Ranboo would be back around with tea or some beverage soon. 

I took a few steps down the hallway and began teleporting looking for the book. Philza had warned me not to, but I couldn’t let anyone know where I was- or where I had come from in that matter. 

The walls where covered in chests, along with pillars of mushroom. It reminded me of Tubbo. Come to think of it, I didn’t know where Tubbo lived. That was besides the point, so I began frantically searching the one room with the door open.

Two large chests were stacked, a crafting table and small chest nearby. The bed sat cozily against the wall, and a vine or two hung from the ceiling. Amethyst was in a couple of spaces between the cobblestone and I stood in awe for a moment. 

I ran my fingers over the furnaces, and sat in the middle of the floor. There was something odd about this room that comforted me, and the soft hum of the amethyst quickly lulled my mind to a peaceful state. I knew I had to find the book….but the wall was such a comfortable position. 

Darkness enveloped me as I saw the book peeking out from the edge of the bed. Ranboo really isn’t good at hiding things. 

♧timeskip an hour♧

Opening my eyes I quietly realized that  somehow I had gone unnoticed. Gathering everything that had gone a little sideways during my nap, I saw the book was gone from under the bed. Shit. Shit. Shit!

Ranboo stood at the doorway flipping through the pages. “It isn’t what you think Ranboo, I swear.” A sad smile fell upon his lips. “Y/N. I know it’s you- that's okay. I won’t say anything about it to anyone. Phil already told me you knew. Well, not specifically you but someone so I think I’ve got it figured out.” 

“Let’s be clear here Ranboo, stay out of my way and I can stay out of yours. I have already worked hard enough for my life here- I don’t need some spoiled Enderian prince ruining it. There’s a reason I ran away from that place.” I turned my back to him, not wanting him to see the tears already welling up. I don’t cry often, and to be honest this was a bit embarrassing. 

Pain contracted against his face, and he looked at me. “Listen Y/N. I think you have my motives crossed here. I only wanted to know more about the subject.”

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. That’s all anyone else has ever said. “Sure. And the sky is yellow.” I heard a small snicker from his direction. “Fine. A trade then. I keep your secret and you….become my mentor.” 

What the heck? A mentor for what?! 

“What for….?” Silence rang around us, and the next sentence made me want to aggressively throw something in Ranboo’s direction. 

“You. The Lost Princess of the Light Enderian Kingdom.” 

Heyy guys!! I have this fun little headcanon that there are two sides of the End- one where the plants (such as chorus fruit) grow and one where all the dangerous mobs stay. Obviously Ranboo isn’t dangerous but it works a little differently as he is a royal. 

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and it won’t be as much fluff(I cant tell the difference between fluff and regular storyline anymore.)

Have a wonderful day my lovelies!

(Also I've thought abt making a fun headcanon chapter after we get out of the enemies part of the story)

The Enderian Prince(Origins AU)- Ranboo x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now