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I scoffed, rolling my eyes. That’s all anyone else has ever said. “Sure. And the sky is yellow.” I heard a small snicker from his direction. “Fine. A trade then. I keep your secret and you….become my mentor.” 

What the heck? A mentor for what?! 

“What for….?” Silence rang around us, and the next sentence made me want to aggressively throw something in Ranboo’s direction. 

“You. The Lost Princess of the Light Enderian Kingdom.” 

Ranboo’s POV
Based on the current situation and look Y/N was giving me I could tell that I had messed up. I was the one trying to dig into their past, even though I basically knew tons from the servants that worked in their kingdom. 

“What’s in this for you?” Fear threaded Y/N’s voice, stirring something in me. “Nothing. Let’s just drop it. It’ll be fine, heck I’ll give you the book!” I thrust my arms out holding the book right next to them. 

Y/N turned around and embraced me, wet streaks dampening my shirt. Oh dear. 

"Ranboo, I'm sorry. Please just let's forget about this whole thing. You can study- and I'll leave you alone." Confused, I start to stroke Y/N’s hair. "No, it's ok to be upset. I shouldn't have pried to begin with.” Quickly, they smacked my hand, angrily pushing me away from them. “Don’t touch me. I don’t care how much we relate. I don’t even remotely want to think of you as an acquaintance! I will be leaving now.” 

With that, they teleported away, their belongings disapearing with them. “Damn Ranboo!! You must’ve really pissed Y/N off.” Tubbo walked up behind me placing a hand on my shoulder. 

My jaw dropped in shock- Y/N just left! I thought that maybe kindness would help them but no! It seems they are just gonna do whatever they want. Forget it, I’d be fine doing the studying on my own with Phil. 


I regenerated somewhere in the forest, seeing foreign lanscape surrounding me. Tears wanted to develop but I knew my skin would wear out if I wasn’t careful. Suddenly, I opened my mouth and screamed- as loud as I could. 

Sobs racked my body as I stood with my head down, unable to produce tears because they'd only hurt me further. 

The birds flew away, and rabbits ran into hiding. The foxes became uneasy as a storm began to form above. “I don’t understand, Mother. I wish you could be here, I’d do anything to hear your voice again.” I prayed quietly to my mother, Tuuletar, goddess of the wind. 

Light breezes blew around me, whispers softly comforting my ears. You will be alright my dear. I sat up, as I heard her voice. “Mom?” A willowy figure sat below the leaves of a tree ahead. Carefully as not to disturb her presence, I walked and sat next to her.

It’s been long, Mother. 

I know. Can I ask you something?

I let silence ring before answering.

Of course. 

Why did you leave home…. We were so sure you’d be safe there.

Oh Mum. They were horrible. Good friends or not, they are not who they say to be.

I apologize for so naively trusting someone with my beloved child. They will pay. 

Concern for the royal families arose from me. 



Don't hurt him. The other kindgoms son- Ranboo.

A smile hinted at her voice. 

Mmm...Okay dear. So how are you?

Good. I live with Wilbur and Fundy. WIlbur can’t be out during the day sometimes, but thats alright. I’ve made friends with Tubbo and Tommy as well!! Phil is somewhat becoming my mentor and Niki is teaching me all sorts of things.

And Technoblade? 

Techno? I don’t tend to bother with him too often, but he seems sweet. 

That’s good to know. Well your brother is whispering my name in a questioning manner so I must go now dear. I will see you soon.

Happiness overflowed from within me as I said my goodbyes to my mother and whispered hello to my brother. It was always nice to see them, whether it was brief or not.

A quick run over of my items assured me that I hadn’t left anything at Ranboo’s cave. I had a long day, and Mum’s mention of Techno really confused me. Was he supposed to be my mentor? This was too confusing for me to worry about, so I ended up writing more poetry. 

Days turn to nights
Like the changing seasons
Except a quicker reminding 
Of how fast things can leave us

The moments turn to hours,
Hours turn to days
Its funny because
My memory is hazing

I folded it up, putting it in a bottle. This was the one I would set out to sea. Out of all of my poetry, I never had written about my memory issues before. It was hurtful to tell my mum that my sixteenth birthday I had no memory of, despite it being only two years ago.

I probably wouldn’t ever be able to speak the words. I could break everyone’s heart. I had hardly remembered Tubbo’s birthday, Fundy reminding me the morning of. Laying in bed, I drifted to sleep imagining all the fun things I hadn’t remembered, but glad about the loss of the bad things.

I heard a soft lullaby in the wind and the candles around town blew out. This alone lured me to sleep, the darkness fully welcoming me tonight.

Sorry for the long awaited chapter and lack of uploads. I wont be able to update daily, but will be uploading as much as I can, and when I can.

Enjoy and have a wonderful day/night and take care of yourself my lovelies!!! <33

The Enderian Prince(Origins AU)- Ranboo x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now