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Bold lettering = speaking enderman

I felt the wave of drowsiness hit me when he opened the book, his calm voice lulling me to peace. I drifted off listening to Ranboo's voice, one of his hands still resting softly on the top of my head. For once, I didn't feel extremely angered by him, and smiled as I felt myself sink into the darkness.

'They still remember Father! We have to do something....' Were the last muffled words I heard before I lost consciousness.

Ranboo's POV

They looked so peaceful. At the same time, their face was grimaced with anger most of the time they were around me. I smiled to myself as I continued to stroke their hair, the feeling of home comforting me. I had set down the book awhile ago, it being about 40 minutes since they had fallen asleep. That's the thing. Everytime I looked at them, I couldn't help but think of home. If only I knew everything that he had done. I would send my guards to the opposing palace and start a war.

I heard everything. The whole "They still remember." Never would I mention his name. I didn't have to be smart to know something was sketchy about the whole scenario. Easily I could access his mind, he was weak- though his political power gave him respect and authority. 'I am ready for a fight, I know you want the satisfaction.'

Y/N woke up after that, and looked at me with concern. "Ranboo? What was that?" Concern leaked through their eyes, a frown tilting their face. "Did something happen? Are you okay?" I didn't want to gaslight them if they had heard me, but I also wanted to know what was going on.

We both got up and stretched as Y/N had been knocked out for awhile.

"Yeah, I just heard explosions in the End and my royal brother snickering under his breath." I immediately sat up. Dammit, Tubbo. I wasn't paying attention to where he had gone and he must have found the stronghold I had kept secret. How had he managed to sneak away without me noticing? And why was he laughing?

They went to speak then stopped. Again they opened their mouth, nothing coming out. Quickly they shook their head as if trying to get out anything distracting them. I frowned slightly at this, wanting to know what was going on inside their head.

Is everything alright Ranboo?
I looked down at Y/N while they were gathering their jacket, managing to pull the crown from the pocket and place it onto their head in a swift motion. They're speaking Endermen.
Yes, is there a reason you are speaking like this?
Y/N's face panicked as we both realized that they had forgotten how to speak English.
Ranboo! What about Tubbo, and Tommy and- and- and Dad, and Fundy?! I can't just leave without understanding what I am saying!!
I wrapped my arms around them, hoping to comfort them. Y/N shoved me away, anger piercing their words.
Now is NOT the time Ranboo!!! And on top of that, if that's all you can do, why are you here?
Pain shredded my soul. I was just trying to help.
Number one this is MY house, that's why I am here. Number two, I am trying to help you if you would just calm down! I am just trying to help.
Ranboo, I doubt you even know what it's like.
Don't assume everything about me.
Fine. Let's head to the End, I'm sure you know what I do about Tubbo's whereabouts.
I nodded, throwing a trench coat on and heading to the door. Y/N's face was twisted in pain as they followed me, and I could see the anxiety coursing through their veins. Before we left, Y/N grabbed my hand and looked away, face flushing a deep pink.
It's okay, I don't mind. I smiled at them, letting them know it would be okay.
They lightly lifted the tips of their mouth, letting the smallish yet concerned smile dawn upon their face.
And then we teleported.

The Enderian Prince(Origins AU)- Ranboo x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now