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Soobin POV

Some stories are meant to have happy endings, while some arent. Mine, for example, is meant to be a sad ending. Let me just show you...

Author POV

"Let's never do that again." Yeonjun said once everyone met back up from their 1 week away from each other. "Why not?" Mingi asked confused, as it seemed to be only Yeonjun and beongyu were affected within this week. Beomgyu went to hug Yeonjun but was pushed away. "You never show me affection anymore! But you also dont want me to leave you?! What is it Choi Yeonjun? Because at the point, I could care less what happens." Beomgyu said angrily. Everyone was shocked to see the two not getting along and it scared them. "You're too clingy! And-" "ITS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, STUPID. THATS WHAT YOU DO IN A RELATIONSHIP. BUT YOU COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND BECAUSE ALL YOU DID THROUGHOUT HIGHSCHOOL WAS CONTINUOUSLY SLEEP AROUND WITH GIRLS AND SUBMISSIVE BOYS!" Beomgyu yelled before storming off to Mingi's bathroom.

Soobin followed him. He heard the lock click. "Gyu? Do you wanna talk?" "If you didnt fucking leave us, Soobin. If you stayed, he wouldnt have turned out like this!" Soobin only felt more guilt than he already did.

"I left so that my father wouldnt kill you guys. I left so I could do what he wants and bail later. I left the relationship because I fell out of love. There was never love. Just....sex." Soobin explained. Beomgyu punched the bathroom door, putting a hole through it. "Oh shit-" he and Soobin said in unison. Mingi came upstairs to see a hole in his door. "What the fuck?!" Soobin and Beomgyu were scrambling their words to try to explain the situation, making Mingi cackle at how funny it was. "Just kiss and make up!" Soobin stormed off, while Beomgyu got upset.

"Mingi, he doesnt love us anymore. He doesnt want to kiss and make up." Mingi looked down at his feet, guilt and disappointment flowing through his body. He and Beomgyu walked back to the group in the living room and sat down. It was dead quiet.

"Mingi hyung needs a new bathroom door because I broke it." Beomgyu said to break the silence. But nothing happened.

Their relationship wasnt being fixed, Beomgyu is sad, Soobin depressed and Yeonjun angry. Not the beat tie of emotions.

~Next day~

"Summer is around the corner. What are we doing?" Yeonjun asked while plopping onto the couch the friend grouo was sitting on. "We are all sick of each other so we are gonna spend summer with our families or other friends we rarely get to see. All. Summer." Changbin said sternly. Everyone seemed to agree so that is what happened.

Everyone went their separate ways.

But never came back to see each other...


I know its short but I needed to end the chapter/book

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