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(Mentions of $h, su1c1de)

"Soobin, what do you mean you don't love them anymore?" Chan asked worried, while Soobin had tears forming in his eyes. "I don't have the same romantic attraction to them anymore. I don't feel anything towards them, other than guilt. Guilty of leaving them for 2 years on short notice." Chan just rubbed the younger's back while he sat there trying to not cry.

"Channie, they were hurting, and it was all my fault." The older shook his head and cupped the crying boy's face. "It wasnt your fault if you were forced to leave. Dont think that way all the time."

Soobin had noticed his sleeves coming up, and so he pulled them down. But Chan was quick enough to see the cuts on Soobin's arms. He held both the boys hands together and pulled up his sleeves. He gasped in fear at the sight of knife lines all the way up the younger's arms. "Binnie... Why didn't you ever say anything?" Soobin looked away, about to cry again. Chan let go of the boy and watched him leave the house.

Soobin continuously ran until he reached Changbin's house and he started knocking on the door. He didnt stop knocking until someone came to the door. That someone being Yeonjun. "Why is everything trying to bite me in the ass today?!" The younger pushed his way through and went to find a crying Changbin. "I've thought about your offer.. If you're ready, so am I." Yeonjun, and an out of breath Chan came in the room and watched the two boys stand, holding hands.

"Yeonjun, Chan. See you soon." Soobin said, which caused Yeonjun to go in panic mode.

When Yeonjun and Soobin were 12, they both thought of committing su1c1de. They spent a few days planning it out, and what their last words were gonna be. "We can say the names of the people we're directing the message to, and then say that we will see them soon." Soobin said, which younger Yeonjun agreed to. After being convinced by Soobin's siblings to not k1ll themselves, they decided against it. Ever since then, they have reminded each other of the ends words just in case one of them commits su1c1de.
{End of flashback}

Yeonjun ran to the two of them and hugged them, tears dripping from his eyes. "Don't go guys. You're too young for this." Both Soobin and Changbin explained in full detail why they were done with life, and the other two understood but were going to keep a close eye on them. Just in case something happens. The two would take turns leaving to use the washroom every couple hours to go up to the bathroom and cut themselves. After the second time Changbin went up to the washroom, Chan caught on.

Bang Chan whipped out his phone and messaged the group chat to come to Changbin's house ASAP, which they did. Beomgyu ran up to Soobin and Changbin and embraced them in a group hug. "Don't do this please. Remember when we said that we were gonna throw a huge party for Changbin's 23rd birthday? We still got a little bit to go before that comes!"

Soobin and Changbin started giggling at the thought of a big birthday bash for the older. "I think it's time, we all take a break and take some time for ourselves" Mingi stated, fully into the idea. "Yeah. We take a week on our own, in our own homes and do as little interactions as possible" San continued, hoping this would work for everyone.

With the whole friend group agreeing they all took off on their own. Everyone has their own home, except for Chan and Soobin who live together, Yeonjun and Beomgyu who live together and San, Wooyoung and Mingi living together.

~1 week later~

"Everyone refreshed?" Mingi asked excitedly. Everyone shook their heads.  "I never wanna do that again"


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