Chapter 1

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Princess Elysia halted beside the closed doors as her father's echoing roar tore through the walls.

"Guards get him out of here!" Her brows furrowed as she clutched her book closer to her chest. She never remembered her father yelling like that. The closest her mind could conjure was when she had fallen off her horse while learning to ride. What could have made him that angry?

She inched closer to the doors and leaned forward, concern and curiosity fighting one another. A rush of footsteps slapped the floor as the doors swung open inwards. She stifled a gasp as she flinched. Two guards flanked another man with dark hair and a pale face. As the guards escorted him through the door, she locked eyes with the stranger.

He was dressed in fine dark clothing and his brows were knotted in a scowl. As he looked at her the corners of his lips tilted upwards in a growing smile. Elysia stared, unable to move for a reason unknown to her. His eyes held hers and it wasn't until the guards turned him around to head down the hall did their gaze break.

She gripped the book tighter and watched as they disappeared around a corner. Fear stirred like a low ember in her stomach and the only reason she could fathom was that it was because her father had yelled for him to leave. What had happened?

"Eavesdropping, is it?" came a familiar voice.

She turned to find William—her personal guard and one of her father's most trusted men—standing behind her with his arms crossed. "No, Will, I—all right maybe. I have never heard my father yell like that. Do you know who he was seeing today?"

"I did not know he had any audiences today," he said. "Are you all right?"

"Yes," she said offering him a smile despite the man's visage lingering in her mind. She looked up at William's face, a scar along his jawline and one across his forehead. That man's face had been smooth and unworn, but this was a face she liked looking at. A face she had grown up with since she was a young girl and he a young boy. As she gazed at him her smile became true. "How was training?" She had seen him with sword in hand looking as comfortable as a fish in water.

He nodded. "Good. Captain Trebolt has some new recruits coming in and needed some help as he is still planning for the Summer Solstice celebrations."

"You will be there, yes?" she asked.

"Of course." By your side, he wished to add but swallowed his thought and instead inquired about the book in her arms.

"Oh," she glanced down at the thick gilded cover. Her heart nearly leapt into her throat. She didn't like lying, especially to him, but she couldn't tell him. Not now. Not any time soon. "Just something Lorell wants me to read for my studies."

"And what is it I wish for you to read?" came Mage Lorell's voice in the doorway beside her.

Her palms grew sweaty as her head spun to him. She offered him a glance at the cover and looked him in the eyes. She always suspected he had known she had been researching about the memory reversal, but he had never brought it up, and she was thankful for that. "Remember?" she asked.

His shoulders were tense but his eyes soft and kind. "Ah," he said with a nod, "you already know much about it do you not?"

"Yes, but there is always something new to learn," she said, her heart relaxing.

"Very true, your highness. You are wise for your seventeen years." He bowed slightly; his brown hair speckled heavily with grey falling slightly over his forehead. "And it seems you both have good timing. William, King Reginald wishes to speak with you, and Princess Elysia I believe it is time for our lesson."

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