Chapter 8

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I had planned to leave Harry's place and go to work alone with the idea that he would show up at his usual time, but as my new boss, he drove me himself.

He went on to explain that he's keeping Chris as a general manager, but he raised all the cover charges by $500 and every executive decision will now be run by him. I really wish I could have been a fly on the wall when he had that meeting with Chris, knowing how much pride he had in being the owner all by himself. I guess everyone really can be bought.

"I still don't understand why you had to go and buy the place," I said, accepting his hand to climb up out of his car.

"It was about time I had a new investment, and what better place?"

I studied his satisfied little smirk through my side eyes, laughing to myself at the thought that he did all of that just to control whether or not I was allowed to give someone a lap dance. His jealousy was hot, don't get me wrong, but I hoped he understood the pay cut I'd now be taking.

Together, we walked through the back door of the building and the dressing room door was propped open. I could hear Chris's voice coming from inside of it, loud and as Brooklyn as an accent could be.

"Ah, here he is," Chris stepped away from the door and gestured to Harry. "I'm still your boss but, this is your new other boss. Harry Styles."

"Fuck me," one of the girls said, and it seemed to have been an accident when her eyes got wide and she slapped her hand over her mouth. That made me feel small as I stood behind Harry slightly out of view.

"Ladies," Harry nodded politely, forcing each and every one of them to shift in place where they stood, or in their seats. "I assure you not much will change. You're still free to carry on as you have been, and I'm always available if you have any concerns or complaints."

"I'll bet you are," I muttered just loud enough for him to hear, and he turned his head to the side without fully looking at me–smiling, of course.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," he concluded, stepping out of the doorway to speak privately with me in the hallway. "I got you something tonight."

I looked down at his hands as if I might see a gift when I knew they were empty. "What is it?"

"It's in your locker. Want you to wear it for me, no questions asked."

"Okay, lemme get this straight," I laughed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'm not allowed to give lap dances, and now I'm not allowed to choose my own outfits?"

"This is just a special occasion, sweetheart," he kissed my forehead. "We're celebrating my new business venture."

As much as I didn't want to, I couldn't help but return his smile as he cupped my face in his hands like I was a little kid. For whatever reason, I liked that he made me feel that he was smarter and had more experience than me. I guess that was all true.

"Okay, well I guess I'll see you in a little bit, boss," I reached up on my toes to kiss him, glancing over my shoulder to see him shamelessly staring at my ass in my shorts before I shut the dressing room door.

"Spill your fucking guts, Grace," Jessie said. "Are you fucking that man?"

I looked at Claudia, who was suspiciously brushing her hair in the mirror and avoiding eye contact until I cleared my throat. Then she turned to me with a tight smile.

"I'm sorry, but I had to brag on you a little bit. He's fucking hot!"

The girls all squealed and laughed in excitement as I covered my face with my hands, laughing in exasperation. I didn't confirm nor deny anything as I walked over to my locker to see what kind of gift Harry left me.

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