Chapter 5

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I was just getting out of the shower after a two mile run on the beach when I heard a doorbell sound, meaning that someone was trying to buzz in from the gated visitor door downstairs. Like an idiot, I smiled as I ran through my apartment in my towel, holding down on the little white button to ask who it was.

"It's Max."

And just like that, my smile turned into a scowl as I hung my head in disappointment. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanna take you to dinner and apologize for last weekend. Can I come up? Please?"

I looked down at my dripping body and practically stomped my foot. "Give me five minutes. I'm not dressed."

I released the button and took my sweet ass time going back to my room to find an outfit, which ended up being a simple black bodysuit under a pair of jeans that hugged my hips perfectly. It would drive Max up the wall, and with zero intention on my end to let him touch me, that was exactly what I wanted.

After buzzing him in, I raked my fingers through my damp hair and went into my room to apply only a bit of concealer and blush to my face. Sure, I'd let him take me to dinner if for no other reason than to officially cut ties with him.

Max let himself into my apartment and walked through my living room to get to my bedroom, leaning against the doorway, holding his suit jacket over his back with his briefcase still in hand. He just came from work.

"You look nice," he said.

"Uh-huh," I blotted my lipstick and stood to face him. "How was work?"

"Y'know," he shrugged and set his briefcase on the ground. "The same. Kinda miss seeing my favorite girl afterward, though."

And that was the same charm that had me falling for this idiot blonde frat-douche bag in the first place. He was the first person I broke the rules with at work, dating a regular, I mean. You'd think I would have learned my lesson.

The sad thing was, Max was supposed to mean more to me than he did. He was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, and the guy who took my virginity. I was obsessed with him in the beginning because he seemed to be obsessed with me too...until he wasn't anymore. Now it was just a game to him.

"Well, if we're gonna go to dinner let's just go," I walked right by him to get to my closet and picked out a pair of chunky heels.

"Don't forget your briefcase," I reminded him over my shoulder when I knew for a fact he would leave it sitting there on purpose, giving him an excuse to come back up here once we were done for the night.

I heard him sigh to himself as he grabbed it and followed me out. We rode down the elevator in silence, apart from him saying he could take me to that Italian place I liked so much on 52nd street. I nodded.

He drove us in his Land Rover and used the valet service to drop his car off so we wouldn't have to find parking, mumbling something about how ridiculous it was that he had to pay someone $20 just to drive his car up the block. My first thought was that Harry would have done it happily.

I thanked the valet guy for opening my door for me, waiting with my arms crossed on the sidewalk for Max to regrettably pay him so we could go inside together. It was a Thursday, so there was no wait for us to head right in and sit at a table beside the wall of windows.

"How've you been?" He started, laying his jacket across the back of his chair.

"Since our little trip to The Bay? I've been amazing," I grabbed a piece of the warm French bread from the basket in front of us. "Really, I mean that."

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