End of The Kibutsuji's

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You and Tanjiro shared a glance and nod, understanding your own part and role in the battle. 

"Hinokami Kagura..."

"Blood demon art..." 

You both attack at the same time. With you being from a far a way with your blood demon art and Tanjiro being closed with sun breathing. 

Muzan was running away as Tanjiro and you figured out his weakness. 

"Blood demon art: Phantom blades" Firey blades were summon and it stabbed Muzan and rooted him in place. 

'She turned herself into a demon!' Muzan growled 

"TANJIRO!" You called out, he understood what you had meant and immediately attack Muzan. 

You took a deep breath and kneeled down, concentrating. 

"Full concentration: inheritance activated!" Your pulse increased and magenta spider lilys marks started to appear on your arms and back. 

Tanjiro had instructed everyone to get out of the way. 

"Blood demon art: Chains of the damned" Muzan was immediately wrapped in chains. Chains that could not be absorbed or broken by him. 

"The red spider lily is mostly associated with death and blue spider lily was said to be associated with life but also damnation. Hence why it gives you immortality and power but makes you vulnerable to the sun" You smiled menacingly, releasing your killing intent. 

"But Magenta spider lily's.... are the actual rare one... it is associated with universal harmony" 

You cackled "and you. Kibutsuji Muzan. Is someone who ruined that harmony and balanced. So you must be eradicated from existence" 

Muzan roared angrily and turns himself into a giant baby. The chains rattle but it was sturdy. The others helps you keep him in place. 

She lets you go and smiled with tears driping down her face. 

"There's only one ending for us Kibutsuji...


"THIS IS IT MUZAN! WE'LL BURN TOGETHER! THE BLOODLINE ENDS WITH ME!" You cackled as you kept him in place. The sun shone and Muzan shouts in pain as he finally turn into ashes. 

You stared at the sun and cried, it was over. You heard a commotion and saw Tanjiro going on a rampage. You calmly chained him and inject him with the drug that was used to turn demon into humans. Once he calmed down you released him.

"Y/n!" "Master!" Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu, and Mizuki cried out, they ran towards you and hugged you with dark shadown joining. Your eyes widened, not expecting them to be here.

"Tokoyami... Dark Shadow.... Yaoyorozu... Mizuki..." you smiled and hugged them back 

"Y/n.... why... why are you turning into..." Tokoyami quiver 

"Yaoyorozu, thank you for being my friend. Mizuki, I'm so glad to have you as my tsuguko" You cried

"Dark shadow, please keep Tokoyami accompanied. And Tokoyami... I love you" You smiled with teary eyes

"I love you with all my heart" 

Tokoyami cried and rest his head on you shoulder "I- I love you too! Let's all meet again in our next life" 

"Mhm!" You nod while crying

The four of them continue to hug you until you finally turn into ashes, only leaving behind your torn clothes. 

A/n: it's not the end yet I promise lol.

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