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> Meet Tokoyami has been selected <

You were on your way to the UA camping ground but suddenly you saw a huge smoke. Activating your Twilight eyes, you saw blue fire spreading. 

"Breath of Thunder: First form, Thunderclap and Flash" 

You used thunder breathing first form to run. Unlike thunder breathing, light breathing first form can not be used for running as it is solely made for offense. 

"Villains? How'd they know about UA camping ground? Unless... the traitor told them? I was well aware that the villains knew about the organization because that kid told them but they don't seem to target us. Which is a good thing" you mumbled. 

After passing through trees you saw Midoriya, Shoji, Todoroki, and Bakugou. They seem to be fighting a villain and... a rampaging Dark Shadow.

"The darker the darkness, the harder for me to control Dark Shadow"  Your eyes slightly narrowed remembering Tokoyami explaining how his quirk works.

"Light breathing: First form, Blinding lightspeed" 

Your sword glowed brightly and you dashed forward, cutting the tree next to Tokoyami. The light from your sword worked and managed to weaken Dark Shadow.

"Light Breathing: Second form, Heaven Blessing" 

A bright light glowed and Tokoyami and Dark Shadow enter a state of complete tranquility. It was like there's only you and them. It successfully manage to calm suppress Dark Shadow completely. 

Tokoyami pant, after what feels like forever, he manage to get Dark Shadow back in control. 

"Thank you for saving me" He said

You kneeled down and side hug him, patting his back "Are you alright now?" 

Tokoyami nods and look at Shoji "Shoji, I'm sorry. Midoriya, I'm sorry as well. My mind still lacks training. I gave into anger, releasing Dark Shadow. I was influenced by darkness and my anger, making it uncontrollable. As a result, it got so strong I couldn't hold back and ended up hurting you" Tokoyami apologize as he lean onto your shoulder for comfort from the guilt.

"Save it for later. That's what you would said" Shoji replied 

Midoriya smiled from Shoji's back and Tokoyami stared at them in shock before smiling. 

"That's right. We discovered that one of the villains target is Kacchan-" Midoriya was interrupted by your sudden movement. What shocked him more was that your eyes turn a magenta color and it looked almost like a crystal shimmering in the darkness.

"Demons?" You observe and smell where a shadow movement just was. You ran off without saying a single word to them.

Tokoyami stared at your dissappearing figure in shocked "Demons? Why would there be one here?" 

"That's bad. Are the villains working with the demons?" Todoroki said seriously as he is one of the people that believe and encounter one too. 

You found the demon and Iida who was currently bleeding on his arm. 

"Breath of light: Fourth form, Luminous" 

The demon manage to dodge in time but you were quick to lunged forward and decapitate its head.

Iida stared at you in shock and grimaced "why?" 

"Why what?" You tilt your head in confusion 

"Why save me after... I blame and insult you and your Organization" 

You chuckle and smiled at him "No matter what you've done to me. I would save you. Because that's what my job is" 

He stared at you with teary eyes, he couldn't believe it. He had insulted you, mock you, and even blame you. But you were willing to save him? 

You turn back around and stared at the paper that's on top of the demon clothes. Apparently its been carrying that. 

You picked it up and opened it, but found no word or anything at all. This only meant one thing and that is a warning from Muzan. You crumble the paper and threw it on the ground stepping on it. 

'And no matter what it takes, you will die Kibutsuji Muzan!' You sneered

A/n: You may ask "what's the point of the choices? We met Bakugou and Iida anyway" 

Well dear readers, you will find out when the story is finished :) 

The next chapter is indeed very interesting  😌

I'll be releasing it today sometime later 

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