..a Beautiful Nightmare

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It was Christmas eve and Beyoncé was feeling a little empty. This was the first holiday she's spent without Robyn since they became friends. She wanted to call her and say that this was dumb and make up with her already. She just missed her friend.

She put a smile on her face while she was with everyone because she didn't want them to ask her what's wrong. They were all eating at the dinner table when her phone began to ring.

The vibration on Beyoncé's phone caused her to look down. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, seeing that it was an unknown number calling her. She excused herself from the dinner table and went to her room to take it.

"You have a collect call from Robyn Fenty. Would you like to accept the charges?" The operator said on the other end of the line.

She shook her head a bit before accepting.

"You got caught didn't you?" Beyoncé asked while shaking her head.

Robyn was reckless. She could've been anywhere on Christmas Eve but she decided to spray paint buildings. She was arrested for trespassing and vandalizing private property.

"I'm sorry.. I had no one else to call, bey. You're the only one whose always been there for me" Robyn spoke through the phone.

Beyoncé pressed her head on her wall, feeling the coolness against her forehead. Robyn knew that her quietness could only mean one or two things. She was either upset or processing the news.

"I'm not asking you to bail me out. I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and I'm sorry for the way I acted a few days ago" she said.

Beyoncé looked over at her clock sitting on her nightstand. It was thirty minutes past nine. She couldn't let Robyn spend the night in jail. It broke her heart just thinking about her best friend waking up on Christmas morning in a jail cell.

"I'm gonna come get you out" she sniffed. She was terrified to drive at night but how could she let her spend the night all alone in a cold cell?

"What? Bey, no. I can wait until the morning. I screwed up, this is my punishment"

"I'm on my way" Beyoncé hung up the phone without allowing Robyn to get another word in. She wasn't going to change her mind about this.

She bit her bottom lip to stop it from trembling. She needed to calm herself down before she got inside the car. Kelly walked inside the room in the middle of Beyoncé trying her best to keep her composure. Kelly shut the door behind her and scanned her worriedly.

"Hey.. what's wrong Bey? Who was that?" Kelly put her hand on the small of her back and pulled her into her arms.

Beyoncé covered her face as she cried in her arms. She was embarrassed that Kelly was seeing her like that but she couldn't hold it in. Kelly let Beyoncé cry until she was calm enough to talk again.

She rubbed her back soothingly, relaxing Beyoncé a bit. "Talk to me" she said.

Beyoncé used her knuckles to wipe away her tears.

"Robyn got arrested. I uhh.. I have to go pick her up" Beyoncé said choking up her words a bit.

"I haven't drove at night for years" she admitted. "A few years ago I um.. I had just got my license and I was out celebrating with my dad. My dad he.. he used to drink a lot. By the end of the night, he was too shitfaced to drive so I had to. I never drove at night before and I didn't have my glasses with me and I- I couldn't see, I couldn't see Kelly" Beyoncé sobbed.

Kelly noticed Beyoncé's dad wasn't here when she came down for thanksgiving and he wasn't here now, so that must mean..

"Oh baby.. Come here" Kelly pulled her back into her arms and Beyoncé cried harder than the last time. Kelly couldn't imagine what she must be feeling right now or what she felt back then. She hoped Beyoncé knew that whatever happened in that car wasn't her fault.

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