38. Lonely

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James has been gone for a week, and I didn't realize I would miss him quite this much. I mean, I knew I was going to miss him. But when he's not here, I feel empty.

Like I am the only person left on earth even though I'm surrounded by the other debtors that work for the Harrington family.

I feel like a part of me is missing. I'm not exactly sure what this is, but I only know it's bad. I might be a little too attached to James Harrington for my own good. I... might be more than just attached to him at this point.

I'm not sure that I care.

I probably should care.

It's not healthy to be obsessed with another human being.

Is it?

"Is it okay that I miss James so much that I can hardly stand to do much of anything but miss him?" I ask the gray storm clouds hanging over Harrington Manor. As if they might even answer me.

Perhaps I have gone insane. But that can't be the case because I wouldn't be aware of how silly it is to ask storm clouds a question if I were crazy.

It's a gloomy day in April, but thanks to Persona Industries' artificial atmosphere technology, it feels more like a warm June morning. Still, a little sun would be nice.

I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath. James will be home soon. He promised he would only be gone for ten days. That means he'll be home in no later than three days.

"The artificial atmosphere keeps the temperature in check, it won't protect you from rain."

I open my eyes to find Anna standing over me, hands rested on her hips.

"Well, maybe I want to get rained on," I retort, not bothering to sit up.

Anna shakes her head as she sits down in the grass beside me. "You're so weird," she says.

I scowl at her. "Please. I'm not nearly as weird as you," I spit back, making her laugh.

"True. So, what are you doing out here anyways?" She asks me, tangling her fingers in the dewy grass.

"Oh you know. Communing with nature, talking to the clouds, sulking," I reply dryly.

Anna shakes her head. "You really miss James that much?" She asks, that familiar teasing glint in her eye.

"No," I reply defensively, sitting up as I try to fight the guilty smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Anna narrows her gaze at me. "How come I don't believe you?" She asks, folding her arms over her chest.

I shrug. "Because you don't," I reply nonchalantly.

Anna smirks. "Or maybe it's because you're a terrible liar," she retorts.

It's true. I am the worst liar on the whole damn planet. I can't even pull off lying to James over the fucking phone! He's going to beat my ass when he finds out how many sweets I've eaten in the last seven days.

I sigh. "Alright, yes I miss him," I concede. That emptiness seems to fill me up again.

"Sweet fuck, I miss him," I repeat absently, thinking about how much I wish he was here right now. I miss waking up to those beautiful violet eyes. I miss making his coffee in the morning. I miss his tender kisses, and I miss the hungry, possessive kisses even more.

She shakes her head. "That's what I thought," she remarks.

I narrow my gaze at her. "Do you ever have anything better to do than harass me?" I ask her.

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