Day Twenty-three

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The next day, Billy was stood outside Alex's room. He made sure to knock, not wanting to see anything he wasn't meant to and slipped in when he heard Maximus yell for him to enter. He stood very still and stiff at the door, scratching silently at his stubble and mumbled, "push me."


"I need you to push me more. I don't want to hurt anyone, anymore. I don't want to scare the people I care about. I'm tired of being that person so whatever it takes to get better, I'm in. Okay?"

"Well... I do have one suspicion, as I told you but I would like some confirmation from someone who knows you."

"Well, Steve is-"

"Someone who has really been around you for a long time. Some family, if you're comfortable with that."

"Max. My dad... Won't be available for that. And my stepmother doesn't really know or care about me much. I'll contact my sister for you. But uh... None of it will be positive. Trust me."

"I'm not here to judge who you were. I only want to understand more." Billy just nodded, not bothering to force a smile as he shut the door. He quietly opened up the latch, leaning over Steve's body as he searched for the walkie-talkie. Honest to God, Steve could get used to waking up to a sight like that.

"Ah... Hello, Billy."

"Hello, Stevie. Get off your ass, I'm looking for something, yeah?" Steve rolled his eyes and rolled over, a little confused when Billy pulled out the device from underneath his pillow. He headed back towards the surface but paused and rushed back down, his curly blonde hair dangling over to tickle Steve's cheeks as he pressed a chaste kiss onto his lips. With a wink, he was gone and Steve had to ground himself by blinking a couple dozen times before he slid out of bed and got showered and dressed, heading up to see what was going on. He assumed he was calling his sister but he didn't need to go upstairs for that, now did he?

"Hey, Max?"

"Billy! Shit, sorry about umm... Not replying I was asleep and stuff..." She tried but couldn't quite hide the excitement from her voice. He smiled warmly when she began to stutter out a greeting in a much calmer tone, deciding he would ease her out.

"Missed you too, sis." She let out a relieved sigh and squeezed the talkie tightly, unaware he was doing the very same at the other end. "Anyway... I wouldn't mind talking but I kinda need your help with some serious stuff, here. My doctor wants to talk to you about me- well, my psychologist. Apparently he needs it for something. So just give the man what he wants, yeah?"

"Wha-? Y-you're getting therapy?"

"Yup. He's quite... Unconventional at times but it's been helpful so I can't say I'm complaining."

"Billy... That's... I never thought you'd... I'm so happy for you!"

"Don't get all sappy on me, kid, it was mandated. Thanks to Steve. Honestly, if not for him I'd have stayed the same as I was and I plan to spend as long as I get showing my gratitude. I'm doing better now thanks to both of em."

"And Maximus!"

And Maxine. Anyway, answer him honestly, okay? I won't listen to a damn thing you tell him. He'd never allow it, he's all about making those he works with feel safe and comfortable and all that gay malarkey-"

"For fuck's sake, Billy-"

"Shit. Sorry, Stevie. Bye for now, Max." He abandoned the device to give Steve a proper kiss, sweeping the shocked boy off his feet and off the floor. Before she could get over the shock of hearing Billy apologise, she was speaking with a stranger. He asked her about who Billy was and the things he'd done in the past. He asked about her first impression of him, as well as her best and worst memories together. After some minutes, the gruelling was over but his gentle voice certainly made her feel less uneasy about the uncomfortable topic.

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