Day Four

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Steve didn't go back down that night. He was scared. Genuinely scared. Because the image would pop up in his head of Billy taking off the towel, his lower body blurred as he'd instantly turned away. And the fact that he couldn't completely forget it, coupled with the discomfort of the couch that was too small for his lanky body, made sleeping a difficult feat. Hopefully, Billy had fared better.

He made breakfast for both of them, as always. And he made sure he did so before noon as that was when the hazmat hicks always showed up and locked Billy down there for another torture session. He hoped Doctor Owens would see this was too cruel a treatment and loosen up a bit; he really did.

The hatch was calling out to him once he'd finished cooking. It was eggs and bacon again. Simple but he still remembered catching the slightest smile on Billy's face when he'd eaten some that day. He wanted to cause it again, if possible, especially after how he made things awkward over nothing the day before.

So, he psyched himself up and climbed down. The first thing he noticed was Billy mumbling under his breath, then he caught the little aggressive movements. It must have been a bad dream. That was never any fun. Maybe shaking him out of it would help.

Putting the plate down on his mattress, Steve inched closer and placed a hand on Billy's shoulder. For whatever reason, he seemed to calm a bit at his touch. Maybe he needed human contact more than he let on, too. Then, without thinking, he let his eyes survey the man. Slowly, softly, taking in the littlest details.

He looked so pure when he was asleep. Every little pore on his fair skin, those long lashes, those small pink lips that seemed to be in a constant pout. He shut his eyes suddenly, asking himself why he was studying the innocent blonde like this. It was no wonder Billy had called him that slur. He sometimes acted... Weird, that was true. But it was strange people now noticed. Perhaps it was because in highschool, he always had a girl around him but now that he was out of there, women didn't flock towards him anymore. He wasn't King Steve. And truth be told, he liked it that way. There were more important things in life, he now knew, like his best friend and the kids. Maybe a girlfriend would come into his life in the future but he felt pretty content not simping over anyone for the meantime.

His eyes widened suddenly when he was gripped by the neck and shoved to the ground. He tried to claw his way out but Billy was staring at him with every muscle of his body taunt and ready to pounce. He only managed to get one punch in before he was pulled off by the scientists, struggling against both as he slowly crashed back into reality.

"Don't you touch me, don't touch me, don't you fucking touch me-"

"Billy! Billy, fucking stop! Stop! You're here, you're awake, breathe!" His eyes opened and he stared at a bruised Steve, covering his face in case he tried to land another hit. He wanted to explain that he'd been getting pulled at from all sides by those the Mind Flayer had gotten through his quick work. Instead, he felt his arm go numb after a sting, realising he'd been sedated, again. He wanted to help Steve up, too, while he still had the slightest rein on himself. Maybe apologise. But maybe his roommate would be safer if they didn't interact at all. So he stumbled off to his corner instead, lay his head down and faced the wall, eyes drawing shut as he was dragged back into his nightmares. He deserved this. He deserved it all.

"...Billy?" His eyes snapped open. He felt even more tired than he had the first time he woke up for the day. Not even daring to move, he listened to Steve come down the stairs again. It occurred to him that they'd done his session while he was asleep. Between staying awake throughout the heat treatment and dealing with the wildness of his mind while he was asleep, he'd choose the former. But he hadn't gotten a choice.

Steve stood quietly behind him, letting out a sigh. Finally, he dared himself to move closer, placing a hand on Billy's hot shoulder. "I am so sorry you're going through all this-"

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